The Ebon Dragon
7 years ago
/ _Isa This motherfucker right here soloed The Mask of Winters
latest #16
The Ebon Dragon
7 years ago
her dice were on fire
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7 years ago
which was fortunate, as my strategy of "attract everyone's attention and then have nothing in the way of defense/dodge charms to protect myself from him" was, uh, a gamble
what did you do
and wait, are you playing right now ?????
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7 years ago
haha no last night
yooooo dang
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7 years ago
(and i danced at him, threw a hairpin at him, and then sick-burned him into submission)
i'm so glad about those victory conditions
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7 years ago
(to clarify so that i don't give myself too much credit, he is still alive, just fled to be finished off at a later session, but it was still pretty satisfying)
btw denzel idk if you would ever be interested in reviving Modern Exalted but i could tell you had Plans for my character and i still desperately want to know what they were
just putting that out there
"Sick burned him into submission" amazing????
The Ebon Dragon
7 years ago
Degen I am madly in love with the 3E system so bringing back ModernExalted would take some work to put together some charms for the non-Solars of the group; and yes babyYujoru had lovely things in store
☠ ☠ ☠
7 years ago
(oh hey we apparently have at least a month of scheduling conflicts so if you want to keep running exalted that is a path to explore...)
The Ebon Dragon
7 years ago
my big constraint for the past few months has been double teaching duty, but summer break is so close
well uh if you want help with that, I have become a Fan of Writing Mechanics so hmu~
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