7 years ago
oh heck, the blast in Manchester sounds awful... fuck the guy who ruined what was supposed to be an amazing night for concert goers! just relieved that none of the Walshe side of my family are Ariana Grande fans... I think... still... 22 dead and almost double that injured, oh heck...
7 years ago
kinda more shook about this because the majority of my dad's family live in Manchester where this happened... fuck, this is too close to home for comfort
7 years ago
R.I.P to those who died, children included... what an awful way to end an amazing night...
7 years ago
a shopping centre was just evacuated and a man arrested, gosh, I do hope my family's okay...
7 years ago
the whole attack sounds coordinated so there's a risk that there may be more to come, I'm so scared for Manchester City
7 years ago
one of the killed has been announced to have been eight years old... heart breaking