生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英國/紀錄顯示活在貧困民眾 6成來自勞工家庭 - 衛報頭版
Record 60% of Britons in poverty are in working fami...有工作的窮人不成比例地集中在這些住在租來的私有房子中,而近來包含房租在內的生活成本上漲更是加劇了這情形。

【複習】房屋與貧困之陷阱的含意:做白工,沒薪水 - 衛報評論
The housing poverty trap means work doesn't pay劇毒三重唱:房租高、薪水低、砍福利
#英國社會民生議題 #惡性循環 #刪福利 #居住權買房權 #居住正義 #貧窮
latest #39
Low-income families in private housing face large benefit shortfa...
Freeze will leave 300,000 households in England hundreds of pounds behind on rent each month, says Shelter
Private rental sector is the 'new home of poverty' in t...
Urgent action is needed to empower local authorities to drive up the standards of privately owned homes
james6604: 政府惡搞,死的都是老百姓...... 死於貧困或死於暴力,反觀權貴可以繼承一大筆遺產不用付遺產稅,小老百姓還得用自己的房子幫他們付錢。
英國的貧窮小孩 比2010年多出了100萬人 - 衛報社會版頭條(2018-5-07)
A million more UK children in poverty than in 2010 –...About 3.1 million children of working parents now below breadline after government’s benefit cuts, according to TUC


via @CteaX55 - 英國福利大地震 「將把25萬孩童推入貧窮之中」 - 衛報頭版頭條一份為衛報所製作的...
智庫:不斷增加的交通費、育兒費,還有能源費,正在衝擊低收入戶家庭 - 衛報金錢版頭條
UK single-breadwinner families need 27% boost in inc...
Four million British workers live in poverty, charit...Number of workers entering poverty rising faster than employment, says Joseph Roundtree Foundation
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