生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
歐盟議員將會擋下任何威脅在英歐盟僑民的權益之脫歐協議 - 衛報政治版
MEPs will block any Brexit deal threatening EU citiz...脫歐協調的歐盟方代表伏思達亦呼籲各國領袖給予英國民眾特殊權益。

latest #28
Leading Brexiter claims EU citizens in UK will be gi...A leading Brexiter has claimed to have seen an extract of the UK’s draft withdrawal agreement and says it will give voting rights to all EU citizens who stay in the UK.

via @CteaX55 - 歐盟領袖準備好協助梅伊首相向國會"推銷"脫歐協議 - 衛報頭版頭條為了避免無協議脫...
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