7 years ago
So there was a discussion a while ago about the highest complexity you've ever seen. My record has just been smashed. https://i.gyazo.com/0bead73bc5df1da4142561369ea6f84e.png
latest #16
7 years ago
7 years ago
Holy jeebus. HOW?
7 years ago
full flexy
7 years ago
Dysfunctionality: I think a lot of it is the amount of hidden pieces. She's in a hidden mused milking set, RR head harness, RR cuffs. I suspect the dress is pretty heavy and the head probably isn't well optimized.
7 years ago
ohhh boobs and vageen
7 years ago
350k tris in the dress alone. There's a hidden drone suit there somewhere too, I couldn't get an inspect on to the head to check which one it is. But yeah. Pretty nuts.
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
Good grief!
7 years ago
But before complexity was shown publicly, you'd never suspect a girl looking like that was such a huge render weight. Just goes to show its completely in the efficiency of the attachments and alpha pieces.
7 years ago
I go over 100k occasionally when I'm wearing tons of ridiculousness, but that's not normal.
7 years ago
I have gone up to 200 with some pieces of jewelry. I try to stay at around a 100 normally and if need can easily do 50 or 60.
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
I generally stay under 60k these days. But there are some of my older hairs that... goodness, I don't know. LOL They blast me right up over my comfort line. (LOL)
7 years ago
If I'm over 50k I feel "heavy"
Alia Baroque
7 years ago
there's no flexi there at all...
7 years ago
AliaBaroque: Nope, it's all mesh or sculpt. I think the elegance RR cuffs are sculpts/standard prim, but the rest is mesh. Some really badly made mesh, but still.
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