生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
道路上面醞釀著新危機:汽車幫英國從2008金融海嘯復原──但是否會造成下一場國內的金融危機? - 衛報評論
Drive carefully – I can see a credit car crash up ah...英國的街道上充滿了由閃亮亮的4x4、SUV、房車所組成的軍團。這些都是由大量的消費者使用PCP個人合約計畫所購得的車輛。
#信用危機 #信用貸款 #四輪傳動 #資產車 #汽車工業 #英國經濟 #PCP個人合約計畫 #消費者 #商業模式 #私家車 #Repo_Man #他山之石:美國 #英格蘭國家銀行 #帳目收支 #利率
latest #15
1984 punk comedy, Repo Man: ‘it was shocking to see how vulnerable the lives of ordinary Americans were once the car payments began to mount up.’
This highlights the Bank of England’s difficult balancing act in regulating an economy dependent on consumer spending where debt is a large element for an important minority of households, especially millennials and young families with constrained budgets.
Keep interest rates low and regulations loose, and watch the economy grow.
Or tighten regulations, and watch the economy slow. Worse for regulators, there would also be a backlash from a nation of drivers who have come to love the upgrades – every three years – to the massive piece of tin outside the house as much as they have the annual upgrades to their smartphones.
Unsecured consumer credit tops £200bn for first time since 2008

Figures come as FCA targets unauthorised overdrafts and high-cost lending to people less likely to be able to pay off debt
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