7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
latest #8
7 years ago
5000 px?! My pc would be like U SRS BRO
7 years ago
_Abby_: Usually I do in 6000 but my pc can not take it anymore t-t
Allegory diz
7 years ago
i still have assorted viewer bugs that just plain won't take snapshots any larger than double screen size.
Allegory diz
7 years ago
azaiya: if you go to the snapshot in menu, yeah. though it doesn't ALWAYS listen to your size, always double check what it took. sometimes it just takes black screen.
Allegory diz
7 years ago
(and there are other potential issues that are sometimes a problem, like it'll calculate the shadows/water/specular in tiles the size of your actual screen, and the tiles won't match up so you'll have all these weird seams. i think that bug is squashed again currently, but it pops up from time to time)
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