生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
最高領導人金正梅在訪談上被記者問得蠢樣子都跑出來了 這樣的領導人能被信任嗎? - 衛報評論
Kim Jong-May awkward and incredulous as journalist a..."金正梅" wwww John Crace真是越來越毒了wwww [笑翻]

'Voters deserve no soundbites,' Marr tells May – vid...不愧是Andrew Marr,逼出梅伊首相緊張結巴與馬腳了。首相發誓不會提高VAT消費稅,又拒絕對退休金和卡麥隆首相的鎖稅做出承諾。

【PMQ首相質詢】 在凡夫俗子前揮舞大權的金正梅
Kim Jong-May wields power through mediocrity at PMQs...https://imgur.com/d10agUK.jpg
#收入與薪資 #增稅 #所得稅 #英國社會民生議題 #英國大選2017 #刪除預算與福利 #政客食言嘴臉 #Maybotic跳針機器人
latest #26
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Kim Jong-May received with rapture and adulation in Bridgend

The Supreme Leader tells ecstatic devotees they must annihilate all opposition to her strong and stable leadership
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
金正梅聽到Marr提問後的反應:"你好大的狗膽子!(指" (設計對白)
How very dare you? Kim Jong-May reacts to Andrew Mar...
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