sarahknoxville loves
15 years ago
This is completely ridiculous. There can be love at first sight. But if I guy was that obsessed with me after meeting once, I'd be scared.
latest #7
sarahknoxville says
15 years ago
Romeo's kinda creepy. And they're both young and stupid(:
msskiv says
15 years ago
do you think it's creepy or romantic..I can see both sides, i guess
wilderissexy says
15 years ago
NO THERE CAN'T! IT'S ATTRACTION, NOT LOVE! None of the people you love you loved at first sight
bwongg says
15 years ago
wilder's right. its attraction. its them wanting someone to be there so they'll take anyone.
bwongg says
15 years ago
they know nothing about each other. to love each other doesnt there need to be something to love?
bwongg says
15 years ago
they dont know anything about each other so what is there to love? looks? yeah. thats attraction.
wilderissexy says
15 years ago
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