生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
墨西哥的復仇 - 大西洋報
Mexico’s Revenge
via [轉FB] 【大西洋報】將南方的鄰居給妖魔化,唐納川普犯了個霸凌者的經典老毛病:他低估了受害者的力量。
Trump push for border wall threatens to cause government shutdown
川普上任一百天:冒著政府停擺的風險 衛報
Donald Trump risks marking 100th day with government shutdown
【The Young Turks】 跑去墨西哥坎昆度假的春假客在那邊唱"蓋牆吧!"海歌
Spring Breakers Chant "Build That Wall" IN... "他們這些白癡可能不知道坎昆位於墨西哥?" #美墨邊境長城 #春假 #惡霸欺凌者 #shutdown #政府關門? #資金來源 #邊界高牆 #春假 #美國觀光客遊客素質 #學生債務學生貸款 #歐巴馬政策
latest #24
掰噗~ hates
7 years ago
太生氣囉 (no_dance)
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Spring Breakers Chan...Spring Breakers Chant "Build That Wall" IN MEXICO!!!跑去墨西哥坎昆度假的春假客在那邊唱"蓋牆吧!"海歌

朋友Assholes! 😤
#TheYoungTurks #春假 #美國觀光客遊客素質 #右派美國人國際觀 #玻璃心 #嗆聲自由派
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Mexico talks tough to Trump as border wall funding appears to sta...

Trump’s insistence on border wall funding jeopardises spending deal as Schumer says ‘If the president stepped out of it’ budget could be done by Friday
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Trump's 100-day rally: president launches attack on 'fa...

The speech in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania returns to familiar campaign themes and includes a dig at the ‘very boring’ White House correspondents’ dinner
就職百日演說 川普吹噓自己 重轟媒體 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

【川普新政百日】千錯萬錯都是媒體的錯 川普自誇「績效超優」 | Taiwan Justice | 台灣公義網
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
又是媒體梗。 = =
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
國會通過1T的超大筆預算 但就是沒有留錢給美墨邊界長城

Congress agrees $1 trillion budget deal – but no money for border...

Negotiators reach agreement on spending package to keep the US federal government funded until September, according to aides

生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Sean Spicer clashes with press over definition of a wall

White House press secretary faces challenge from journalists over whether images showed walls or fences as he insists Trump is fulfilling his promise
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