I'm the biggest gay to ever fucking gay just like a massive chunk of this fandom
but god dammit Gency isn't the fucking devil and Pharmercy people really need to chill tf out
I'm all about Pharm. it's cute, even though Pharah is... barely a characterized hero
but all this doctor/patient discourse is just as stupid and reaching as Pharm age discourse.
it would be even dumber, imo, if some anti-Pharms weren't using the age thing for thinly veiled homophobic bullshit
esp since canonically, Mercy didn't do his upgrade operations. the lore in the recent update makes it pretty clear.
Overwatch fandom scares me.
Genji isn't even an asshole like what usually happens in these kinds of triangle fandom situations
why can't we have tese nice things
pharmercy fans are legit nuts
which is a shame bc it could be cute but the fans get so crazy about it
i also like both but pharmercy fans test me
gency is cute as hell just accept it
inorite, more tracer and emily content would be gr8
Please, people. I just love Tracer and Emily.
I can understand where some of it comes from- Korrasami people got like this too, and it's largely because wlw are fucking sick and tired of having their ships delegitimized
and yeah, it is infuriating to be stuck between a rock and a hard place when you know that a het ship is inevitably going to be canon over your own
and if you make one peep about it, people say you're reaching for saying there's any chemistry there
Yeah. Like, a part of me feels for them, and the other part of me is sighing and shaking my head.
which just makes a feedback loop of wlw getting anrgier and more frustrated
yeah i've definitely seen it happen before
but pharmercy fans will legit harass michael chu on twitter for doing any gency hints in the lore and it's like
Personally, I want to care about Tracer and Emily, but Emily is barely even a character and I honestly don't give a shit about em
I'm just happy the actual poster child for the game is the canon gay.
she's still basically a non-entity but
I'm not mad that we've barely seen her, I just... don't have a reason to care about her yet
for me it's like, the problem isn't shipping pharmercy (the pun is pretty amazing) it's like, getting butthurt at the other ship for even existing
"she gay" isn't enough, tho YEAH, I'm beyond thrilled that the figurehead of the whole damn game is gay
like everybody just pick a canon and ship what you like
that's the gist of what I mean. I totally dig Pharm, and it's really cute how they match up in a unique mid-gameplay
I love gency as a platonic ship and i love pharmercy just because from a gameplay perspective i love flying after pharahs all LET ME HEAL YOU WITH MY LESBIAN LOVE BEAM but yeah it'd be nice to see more actual characterisation for pharah
likewise tracer and emily
how bout more characterization for everybody not in the blackwatch backstory
exactly. pharmercy is a totally viable ship! especially since a lot of the ships in this fandom require a lot of interpretation/stretching anyway. but don't attack other people for shipping something else...
pharah really needs more info about her, it's true
Yeah I don't even care about ships, just give me more stuff on Pharah.
I'm in the tiny corner that actually would not mind canon Gency. This canon is shallow and limited af, I really, really don't care about what they do or don't make "canon"
i wouldn't mind it either
trying to inject meaning where it obviously doesn't exist, where blizzard obviously didn't think for more than an hour or two about it, is pointless.
I feel like ana has way more depth than pharah atm which is a shame because ana is great, she'd be even better with pharah being more solid to bounce off of
but i get the feeling blizzard will shy away from making any ships canon and will just tease stuff
like part of what makes genji and hanzo so engaging is how well-written both are
they're actually really sweet w each other
I have like... 2 het ships. I've reached the point where I roll my eyes at almost everything that comes my way bc I'm so tired of the same old bullshit
but even the little teases of Gency aren't... really the typical bullshit
some shits just in the stars ok
but anyway. that's my rant. thank you for listening lmao
i always feel a bit odd being on the queer end of fandom and seeing just how terrible The Discourse gets over OW ships...
like, i don't really go here, my interest in ow is tertiary, but it still feels like i'm expected to side with pharmercy shippers just because i'm queer, and that's... ridiculous
I don't side with anyone, particularly, other than the fans who want rabid Pharms to just let Michael Chu do his damn job
and like, the poster girl being gay feels like way more of a "victory" in terms of the game's sociopolitical impact that any given ship could be, so it feels more strange that this is something people feel is a big enough deal to get this crazy over
it's bc it's not actually about having representation/impact, but I'm sure you can guess that
it's a thinly veiled excuse for a ship war
to bring back the lok metaphor, having a queer couple in the series would have meant less in the long run than the main character being queer, so it was a huge deal when korra and asami were confirmed
mixing sociopolitical discourse with shipwars is just the goddamn worse
which, YEAH, like I said, I know exactly where it comes from. I got my fair share of insufferable makorra anons in 2012-4 lmao
that was everything to me. I was unpacking all sorts of gay-related traumas and problems when I was 19 when that finale aired
and a few days later I just sat in my living room and cried for a half an hour bc it meant so much to me
and if I were to reapply those feelings in the perspective of Overwatch..? Tracer is way more important.
ship wars annoy me so much
Tracer would have made me beyond overjoyed 4 years ago
I hope we get more comics at least with trader and emily
Tracer is such a huge win for mainstream representation.
I remember just gasping and then jumping up out of my seat in excitement when I saw the lok finale, what a good time that was
meanwhile I was introduced to tracer through the butt pose wank and was just UGH HERE WE GO, BLIZZARD SEXUALISING FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR THE MALE GAZE ONCE AGAIN but they actually fixed their shit and now we have beautiful canon gay poster girl
bless u progressive fandoms
EXACTLY that is an instance where fandom stepping up was actually reasonable
like, i feel examining the sociopolitical impact of our media, of our fiction especially (video games ESPECIALLY especially) is incredibly important, but i almost think it's gone too far, because now we have
and it's just so exhausting
We've got a character who is the public face of a game for a huge, popular gaming company, and she's queer. That's so huge. But yeah, it ends up getting buried under ship wars.
and proved that that kind of bullshit has less and less of a place as the world becomes smaller and more media is forced to acknowledge that different kinds of people exist
did you see the ign thing where Jeff was responding to comments and one was asking if they only care about making women characters and he responded "Yes, and soon we will release a patch to remove Genji, Hanzo" etc
jeff would never remove hanzo he's a hanzo main
hanzo mains are the real oppressed people here
where is the discourse around hanzo mains guys