Plurk EN
7 years ago
We just launched a feature many of you requested for years - the ability to change your username. To prevent abuse and username squatting, this feature is currently open to plurkers with 5 or more plurk coins only. (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance)
Responses disabled for others than plurk poster
latest #135
7 years ago
that's cute
Potato Potato
7 years ago
if I change my username, would a new account be able to register under my old username?
Discount Gligar
7 years ago
Also question! Can we use this to keep the same username but change capitalization?
7 years ago
7 years ago
magicite: i would think not because of the redirect option
7 years ago
if you click the link it gives you more info!
right, that's what I'm assuming, but I'd rather have confirmation one way or the other
7 years ago
diamond sky
7 years ago
wah asik (woot)
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
I wish this was a purchasable option without needing to invest quite so heavily into the full Plurk Coin feature. Like how on journaling sites you can just buy a rename token (and it's not a freebie mind you) outside of your paid journal account.
7 years ago
Since I'd (and probably others) love to be able to to change my username and wouldn't hesitate to pay a certain cost for it either. But I have no interest in the other paid features of Plurk Coin whatsoever and that 5coin cost is a hefty gate for me to get nothing else from it when I'd be fine with paying "X dollar amount" for option to change.
7 years ago
7 years ago
However I do know that coding for this site doesn't work like other sites I'm comparing to so such is the way of things. Maybe something could be implemented in the future. Maybe not! One can hope. :3
7 years ago
No. I am saying offer it as an ALTERNATE option.
7 years ago
Because some people, likewise, don't like being forced into paid subscriptions for things they don't use.
7 years ago
Having choice is really nice. I actually suggested the benefit of the old grandfathered lifetime accounts, and later the paid accounts being able to have a username changes on LJRP years ago. Be it once per account or year but some mechanism. And then later I piped up with the same request on DWRP.
7 years ago
Different strokes for different folks. Some people run multiple RP accounts, for example, and can't afford paid time but really want a once off journal change (unrelated to the cost of $25 being pricey or not... especially if you play sat 5+ characters, that one lone journal change
7 years ago
can be in your "treat yo' self budget" you penny away for over three or four months unlike either picking up a paid you might not have enough canon material to use icons for if a book char etc or you'd rather use
7 years ago
that paid character for your other main muse, whatever). I don't think the way DWRP limits it to only being one option is better. I was making the comparison of the a la carte method solely to
7 years ago
7 years ago
show a scenario where non-subscription service of a social site was implemented to highlight how the offering of that notion is additionally useful to some. I didn't go deeper into it because A. Not all Plurkers use DWRP and B. Once a site chooses a marketing and methods and rolls it out, you can usually only hope to get them to take on a second way too.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Change Nickname
With 5 Plurk Coins, you can now change your nickname.
All your data will be preserved, including plurks, friends, etc.
You may also opt to redirect your current nickname to the new one.
7 years ago
I need some clearing up for the statement: do I have to reach 5 Plurk Coins to change usernames, or do I have to pay 5 Plurk Coins for this?
7 years ago
Plurk isn't going to abandon the username&coin/paid accout tie. I merely wanted to voice what could benefit even more users so lots of folks could perhaps get potentially considered in future planning too. No harm meant, I was just highlighting those of us looking at/from the other side of the coin~ (Pun definitely intended).
7 years ago
Here's my problem: I actually have made a 2nd account to reserve my username, so this is actually good for me! I can delete/change my 2nd account then make this old account moved to the new one
7 years ago
but that means I have to sacrifice 1 coin, at least... lel
7 years ago
ilovesatellites: I see your point.. actually, plurk coins are giftable (if you have more than 1), so I have a scenario
7 years ago
that someone can gift you 5 Plurk Coins, changed your username, then gifting back 4 Plurk Coins to the one who gifted you
7 years ago
but still a horrible idea because the 1 Plurk Coin cannot be gifted.
green tea
7 years ago
Pengen ganti,tp sayang (haha)
7 years ago
if we can change a username even with just using 1 coin or paying a different price is totally helping.
7 years ago
Well see I still think there should be BOTH options. I was actually thinking in my head if you had a big spender friend you could probably do just that? And losing one coin shouldn't be gripe worthy because it shouldn't be free for some and not others that obviously wouldn't be fair.
7 years ago
So I actually was wondering if you theoretically could do what you just suggested kevinghetto. I mean obviously you and your pal would have to be trusting friends but it'd work well because you're still paying some money to Plurk but not a ton since you'd just be handing off the other four coins and
7 years ago
not stuck after a month. Provided your name is open. I don't know how deletion works under the old OR new system, admittedly. But assuming you pick just a free and clear name I suspect you'd be able to do it.
7 years ago
It's not particularly abuse since you're still paying Plurk money, though only one coin, and honestly you're just as allowed to give those coins away anyhow if it were yourself who paid for all five instead of just 1 of 5.
7 years ago
So you could probably even crowdsource a couple buddies to each put in 2 coins or four to put in 1 if none of them were interested themselves in using the name change feature soon.
7 years ago
I figure it'd bee easier to find someone who DOES want to name change though and just bulk buy six coins in a go (I assume you can buy a half year?? Y/N?) Spend your one, send them their five. Everyone wins. YOU GET A NAME CHANGE. AND YOU GET A NAME CHANGE!
7 years ago
kevinghetto They may be changing how deletions work to avoid mucking about and stuff so you may want to contact them before you jump in moneywise. The other site I was referencing actually had a third option of merging accounts where if you owned two pre-existing accounts you could merge both. I doubt they
7 years ago
will have that here on Plurk because the platform is run on entirely different coding and done in real-time to boot. So because merging can't be done before you delete the old name and it goes into some weird limbo I'd ask them directly.
Kaito Kids
7 years ago
great!! Keep improving.
7 years ago
ilovesatellites: for sure, I am waiting for further responses from Plurk. my plan was changing the 2nd account's username to an unclaimed name
7 years ago
and then changing this account's username to the 2nd username. this must come with the risk that I have to pass Plurk coins between both of my accounts...
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
from what I can assume for now, you cannot permanently delete Plurk account, just disable it.. but I can switch off the redirect option when changing username, I guess that will work.
7 years ago
Ohhhh that's what you meant by losing an additional coin on the affair. Yeah I don't know if that will work with how it redirects, unless like someone else said you can decline that option. Do post back their reply, I am curious!!
7 years ago
geekmonkey: Yeah, from what I tried so far, gifting coin from A to B, even from B to C is possible, it's just unsure whether gifting back from B to A is possible.
7 years ago
ilovesatellites: Yes, that's what I mean. I don't mind losing a coin just for getting a new username, but the process is to be honest inconvenient.
7 years ago
I only have 2 Coins by now, so I cannot test this feature yet.. if I have enough, I will absolutely share my experience, because we're now just left with many questions
7 years ago
7 years ago
got 5 coins currently... should I try
7 years ago
刺猬Ērināceus says
7 years ago
Finally~but still need coin in order to change...
7 years ago
7 years ago
Oh no. This is a catastrophe. PLEASE DON''s bad enough people keep changing their display names, I'll never be able to keep track of anyone if I can't check what their real username is.
7 years ago
I'm sure whoever will do this will let their timeline know...
7 years ago
And even if I could afford to get the coins, I can't change to my username on most every other site out there. Since, like every other place it's taken, someone is just sitting on the name, not using it.
allow changes?
7 years ago
that's less common on plurk overall tbh
allow changes?
7 years ago
it doesn't have near as many users as twitter/tumblr
7 years ago
for last time today, cc 3nd12a5L1ve /plak
7 years ago
when you rename your plurk, if people ping your old plurk/username, you still get pings if you select the redirect option
7 years ago
just tried it!
7 years ago
brisket: oh that's cool! how many username changes you can do? only once?
7 years ago
7 years ago
i just did it once
7 years ago
brisket: when you visited the rename window once again, can you?
7 years ago
7 years ago
but it did cost me 6 coins
7 years ago
for the first time
7 years ago
i just happened to have 11 to start with
7 years ago
przhevalsky: true. as much as I want to change my username, it's imposible to do that.
7 years ago
plurk should weed out those idle users somewhat so it's possible to acquire their usernames
7 years ago
Plurk, deviantArt, Twitter, Dreamwidth, and Tumblr. My username is taken on them all. Two of those​ sites have rules against name squatting, but refuse to do anything about it.
7 years ago
guys, a dreamwidth rename is $15 USD and 6 plurk coins is $10 USD...
7 years ago
exactly people are being super entitled, it's hard to believe.
7 years ago
10 dollars is cheaper than dw or lj
7 years ago
if you don't want to pay for a name change then go the free route and make a new account. just because something costs $5 or nothing on one site, doesn't mean every site is going to charge the same thing. maybe you should stop being an entitled asshat and touch grass.
7 years ago
plurk is a taiwanese company iirc, cut them some slack instead of throwing a fucking tantrum.
7 years ago
iirc dw, and presumably by extension lj, charges so steeply for rename tokens in part because it causes a large enough strain on their servers (and i think this might be in part because of the redirect system) that they want to make sure when it's done it's done seriously, so i wouldn't be surprised if that's the same logic making plurk charge that $10 fee
7 years ago
the wording is a little misleading but yeah, plurk is a taiwanese company, so that's probably a translation issue
7 years ago
7 years ago
I can completely understand if someone just can't justify ten bucks for a rename change, but some people in this plurk tho
7 years ago
LJ asked for 15 dollars as well as DW. I'm really not seeing why this is an issue, but that's just my opinion
7 years ago
Also, I'd like to know who charges five dollars for a name change?
7 years ago
if staff members have the time to go in there and make those changes individually then those sites probably aren't so largely populated as to make that sort of server strain and manual work an issue
7 years ago
i'm not really interested in having an argument over this, this just seems like a useless hill to die on and so aggressively at that
7 years ago
OK Oce
Plurk EN
7 years ago
Please don't fight folks :-((. We know this isn't exactly a cheap feature or even a useful feature for many. We have more free and paid stuff in the pipeline. It's just a team of six people here so we all heard your feedbacks. Now everyone please stop screaming at each other...
7 years ago
If there's only six of you folks, I'm down for giving you ten dollars. It's not that expensive!
7 years ago
thanks for chiming in plurk team! sorry for causing any distress ♥
7 years ago
oh no don't upset plurk
7 years ago
aww, tht was really generous of you guys! thanks for the coin
7 years ago
aw jeez thank you for the coin, team! that was super sweet of you, thank you :>
7 years ago
Hey, Plurk team, y'all are good, but if I could actually change to the username I want, I'd be super excited about this. I'd definitely send $10 for it. I've paid it for character name changes in WoW, and I've spent more with LJ. It's certainly better than the option SL used to give of "You have to make a new account. soz."
stardust ✨
7 years ago
plurk en is cute... please don't make plurk sad : (
stardust ✨
7 years ago
it's an optional thing that you can still do for free by making a new account, so i see no reason to complain.
stardust ✨
7 years ago
$10 isn't a ton of money for something you shouldn't be doing every other week anyway, but if you're really not interested in paying and don't mind re-adding all your friends you can still get a new username the old fashioned way. everyone wins?
7 years ago
It's a little more in regards to converting currency for those outside the US but it still isn't as expensive as elsewhere like dreamwidth, yeah. Not that I intend on renaming myself any time soon but this is a neat option for those who don't want to bother re-adding friends and all in making a whole new account at least.
clash of clowns
7 years ago
thank you, plurk! i've wanted this feature for a long time <3
7 years ago
It's your turn to change your username into Colelang, bro kurocle
If $10 is too steep for you, then don't pay $10. A name change is not a requirement. If other sites do it for free, go there and enjoy them giving the service for free. Plurk, first and foremost, is a business and I'm sure their techs who make the redirects work like to have 3 meals a day too.
That said, thank you Plurk for this feature! I wish deleted account names could be used (I have another deleted account with a name I want to swap to but can't for this reason) but if the work to do that is too hard, I totally understand.
I already have a year+ stash of coins to blow on this. I just need to think of a name I love.
7 years ago
chromologue: well said
7 years ago
I have no problem with paying $10, this Plurk account and all the members are a priceless experience for me. it's just technically a little bit complicated for myself.
7 years ago
cc kurocle
kevinghetto: Yeah, I saw the name swapping issue you described earlier. I'm having a similar issue, so I get that.
7 years ago
I want to change my username into plurkbuddy or maybe plurken. Can I do that? /yha
MoRi 𐂂
7 years ago
Is the promote Plurk button a premium feature now? I'm not seeing it anymore
7 years ago
dwan: you should change yours to alvin
7 years ago
plurken: quick question, is there any other limitations on this feature? e.g. changing name back and forth, any rate limit?
green tea
7 years ago
Cc dR_28
7 years ago
3nd12a5L1ve (1175438085325789964290)
7 years ago
the fucking self-entitlement on this plurk masquerading as "opinion", though.
7 years ago
that said, this looks pretty cool!
7 years ago
Thank you, plurk! I've wanted to change my name for a while but didn't want to switch to a new account since I've had this one so long.
7 years ago
I'd like to know whether we can switch back to our old names too. I have no plans to, I'm happy I finally got to switch. I'm just curious in case I have buyer's remorse later on.
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I was going to check to see if my old one was available to me, but I don't have enough coins left to check for myself until I renew my subscription.
sentient gate
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
thanks, plurken! Your team is great, we really appreciate all the work you put in. I won't be renaming since my username is as old as the universe and I have an attachment to it, but I'm going to renew my Plurk coins for a year this evening
sentient gate
7 years ago
and holy wow some of the replies in here...(unsure)
7 years ago
cc kurocle, Great Master of Colelang
7 years ago
oh iya resti_ardhana (ninja)
7 years ago
(p-drinking) Wonderful!!!
saintdavid says
7 years ago
Macbook Repair says
7 years ago
hello ..members....nice ...hope you are doing well...
Macbook Repair says
7 years ago
akhy: hiiiii
HotelZ says
7 years ago
great news!
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