Jacqui is available for jamage on sunday, but she has to research/write a paper, so she'll only be there until about 3ish
latest #15
I wonder if Mikey will be working then too?
I won't be going, gots work. New schedules on Friday and gonna plan a day to audition Dianne then
it has to always be Sundays right?
well, that seems to be the day mikey is off most consistently
alright. I should be headed by after 6:30; I doubt you guys will still be there?
so what's the status on dianne? I mean, are we gonna try to get her to come on sunday?
she's working Sunday, she's only free like an hour and she'll be spending that getting to other job
the scheduling difficulties are really beginning to diminish my interest. And it doesn't help that we havent even heard her yet
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