Doubtful but if anyone here's gonna be at the Legislature for 420 I'll be there with a crew
latest #11 sageofdepth if you could unform your wife since she unfriended me
She said she'd maybe be there. She's waffling, because it's going to be cool that day
I'll have a crew and we might do a movie after so she's more than welcome. She can text me if she decides to!
Alternatively I can text her closer to the day if she prefers.
Any particular time? It's a work day but my route home isn't too far away from there.
Not really we were just going to show up simetime before noon and chill and smoke. All plans after that are basically a case of we'll figure it out when the time comes.
Yeah, I usually don't get Downtown area til 5-5:30 so would probably have long since missed you.
It's cool I'll try to save some energy for game the night after.
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
This isn't an activity I partake in, plus I work that day. But hopefully you have fun friend /o/
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