7 years ago
I still love Magic the Gathering I'm just poor and have no friends.......
latest #36
7 years ago
popping on very briefly before I retire properly to bed to say: there's two options for this if you're interested! MTG Online (which I believe is free) and Duels of the Planeswalkers (which is about 10 bucks and available on Steam). Personally I haven't tried them so my knowledge on them is limited but I hear they're not bad alternatives
7 years ago
oooh ut's been so ling since I did a tournament I'm mNy setz behinddd
7 years ago
I want to be able to play with my physical decks...
7 years ago
That's okay friend. If you want we are having a free open house event this Saturday at Noon for new players to learn how to play. Could be a good way to learn the new stuff :3
7 years ago
If I could afford to I'd consider it..
7 years ago
it's free to play, plus we got free house decks to offer
7 years ago
but yeah, offer is there if you are interested /o/
7 years ago
Never got in to MTG but did play some Kult and Netrunner CCG socially. Yeah I've never really been on the cutting edge of gaming trends.
7 years ago
I assune those are also card games?
7 years ago
Yup, Netrunner kind of got revived but I;ve never played the new version. Kult passed away long ago.
7 years ago
They both sound neat wish I could afford cards..... still working on disability stuff. 😱
7 years ago
You;d never be able to find the Kult ones now I don;t think but if I ever get energetic enough to organize my living space, I;ve got more than enough for two people to play. When I played with Tom back in the day we would both just grab handfuls of the appropriate card types and go.
7 years ago
That sounds fun actually
I'm sure you coukd find them online but guarantee they would be expensive as hell.
7 years ago
No doubt. ut I know they're here in multitudes. Just gotta find 'em.
7 years ago
Challenge accepted :v
7 years ago
And yeah, Ebay has starter decks at ariund $60.00. I wouldn;t pay that much for 'em.
7 years ago
But yeah I'll start hunting and pecking and see what I can find. Word of warning though the Kult cosmology has a lot of occult themes so take what they say with grains of salt.
7 years ago
Oh holy shit that makes me even more excited to see them
7 years ago
It's based on an RPG actually, that is itself loosely based on Gnosticism.
7 years ago
Which RPG is that?
7 years ago
Kult. It's about to be in its third edition.
7 years ago
Do you think there's a torrent if it somewhere?
7 years ago
Info on the card game.
7 years ago
I'm just checking the torrent status,
7 years ago
Pirate Bay does have some. I can link the one that seems to have all the books I have.
7 years ago
And it's a strong one too.
7 years ago
cool I'll have a look sometime when I feel like reading up on it
7 years ago
7 years ago
I do have their intro to the 3e game as well, I put money into the kickstarter so if you;re interested I can copy that for you as well. and I'm happy to chat about it as well.
7 years ago
yeah it sounds cool and rught up my alley 👀
7 years ago
|I'd love to run a game of it sometime, so cool.
7 years ago
Ok, I snagged the files off PB can do up a thumb drive for you for Friday if you like. then you can read them or not at your discresion.
7 years ago
alright sounds good!
7 years ago
On topic, it seems like pre-release and sealed formats are the only ones where I could even hope to win now. Amonkhet looks like fun, but I'm not seeing many opportunities to play. I'm also kinda broke.
7 years ago
yeah the last time I played was when I was at your place last.
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