Court Mods
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Q&A PLURK!!!! This plurk is basically for talking about some of the IC stuff that makes up Court. Setting, IC rules, how stuff works, ETC. eta this turned toward discussion a bit but still feel free to hop in.
latest #81
Mote ✧
7 years ago
MANY THINGS WILL BE KIND OF HANDWAVEY as a lot of stuff is just sort of assumed/osmosis knowledge, but hopefully being able to ask about things will give you ideas for how to use or engage with them!
Mote ✧
7 years ago
ANYWAY so I'll kick this off with a little bit of talk about NPCs and people can interject anytime with questions about that or anything else, honestly.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
SO NPCS!! Court actually is meant to have NPCs that come and go the same way our player characters do.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
:|a There were also a bunch of named ones that did random jobs around Court like looking after the junk shop and doing housekeeping and laundry and stuff like that but they're sort of out of use and were just the names.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
But pretty much those jobs are available to any player characters too, so I don't think they were native to Court or anything, just the people who happened to be doing those jobs.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Since there aren't as many player characters that like to do events or do status effects and stuff these days, people should feel free to assume that higher ranked NPCs are filling in those gaps, and if you want to do a post your character wouldn't do themselves, there's always the possibility of some other contestant out there doing crazy stuff
Mote ✧
7 years ago
to mess with people, or it's their objective, or what have you.
happy holifeys
7 years ago
Are we just doing existing setting questions cuz I had an idea or two I wanted to bounce around
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Also if there are businesses you wish Court had, I'm giving you free reign to assume someone built it if your character wouldn't. Feel free to do posts where new businesses open if it wasn't there before. WE USED TO WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF THIS but that seems to have made things a little less spontaneous.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
zazzle: You can totally just be like 'WOULD THIS BE COOL?'
happy holifeys
7 years ago
I definitely think if we make more buildings those should be tracked, I think it would be super confusing to not know what existed
happy holifeys
7 years ago
Tho we could make it easier to create and track them. The setting has been pretty static for sure
Mote ✧
7 years ago
A tag to indicate posts where a new business appeared could be a quick way to do that, and make it easier to collect and add it to setting info later.
ʙᴀᴇɪɴ ☆
7 years ago
just have an entry/top-level somewhere where people can comment if they make a new building or such?
Mote ✧
7 years ago
We do have a Player Building post, if people would prefer to use that instead! HERE and it's currently linked in the Navigation.
comfy drow cave
7 years ago
I think part of the problem is people kept forgetting to actually add to it when court was in more expansion
happy holifeys
7 years ago
Also I'm not sure people particularly have ideas for what can/should be added
comfy drow cave
7 years ago
I know a few times I'd go "I think there's an x building" and couldn't find it in the post so I'd start searching my threads haha
happy holifeys
7 years ago
like we've made a Legend of Zelda sized village and then it's like
happy holifeys
7 years ago
well that's everything that exists
Mote ✧
7 years ago
There's a lot of setting info that's languishing and needing revamping also, which is also partly why I'm doing this plurk too, lol. I can point people at what exists or hash it out if it doesn't!
happy holifeys
7 years ago
I think partly there's not a lot for people to "do" because there's not a lot of impetus to do anything
Mote ✧
7 years ago
happy holifeys
7 years ago
I say as someone whose characters are still super active, just like, there's no risk/reward or struggle so eventually people don't bother to even do objectives
happy holifeys
7 years ago
This is only a slight tangent!! I'm just thinking like, maybe revitalizing or revisiting some of the core features might help
happy holifeys
7 years ago
We have a creepy Theater that nobody really goes to anymore cuz nobody gets hurt?
happy holifeys
7 years ago
We have Master & Servants but sometimes my characters totally forget about that cuz there's not a big enough bonus to it
happy holifeys
7 years ago
Or like, badass labyrinth but characters are like "ok but no thank u"
Mote ✧
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Yeah, a lot of those features were best served when there were characters particularly prone to pushing in those ways: competing by collecting servants, going out of their way to hurt other characters, etc. :|a I'm not sure if people want the 'setting' stepping in to provide the impetus now that the character demographics is different
Mote ✧
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
which if it does, essentially my first idea is to say that the NPCs players use to make event posts are certainly allowed to be sources of violence too.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Though that's of course not as good as having a more solid personality there to work against.
happy holifeys
7 years ago
Nah, I mean I personally am not asking for more violence? lmao
Mote ✧
7 years ago
YEAH I just mean that as an example of what could be done.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
ALSO (a thing I edited out of an earlier comment), I am working on rewarding players who engage with setting stuff in certain posts with responses on those things!
Mote ✧
7 years ago
That's something I want to try doing a little more, but that's kind of an experiment and not a promise to achieve any particular concrete result.
comfy drow cave
7 years ago
motefloat: fwiw I got super excited when Booth checking the music box out for a response, I like yelled
Mote ✧
7 years ago
(Other than people being a little more curious when they see a thing)
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Mote ✧
7 years ago
I mean booth didn't technically top-level with poking one but... i thought it would fit...
Mote ✧
7 years ago
:x I still have a couple top-levels to hit with those.
Mote ✧
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
ANYHOO ZAZZLE I will definitely think more on the revitalize/revisit thing, I hope it didn't sound like I meant 'There is already a solution!' or anything. I know it comes up a lot in discussions that it feels like the M/s contract doesn't mean enough, for example.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
:|a I know for some people the way it already is is what works for their characters so I don't want to like, mess up existing contracts by changing them up...?
Mote ✧
7 years ago
((pure speculation now, but I wonder if having old contracts stay as they are and having new contracts do something different/come with different benefits could be interesting? Have a window of time where people can get on signing up for things how they currently are and then all new ones will do something a little different))
comfy drow cave
7 years ago
I think it could be interesting -- just throwing it out there and it might not be a popular idea! But. if, say, contracts longer than x ic days get a new effect, like, idk. Emotionsharing or occasional memory share or something under some circumstance
comfy drow cave
7 years ago
To revitalize old contracts that may feel stale or kick people into oh god we need to break this and try something else or sthing
Mote ✧
7 years ago
HMmm :|a I mean speaking personally and not as a mod, I like how the old contract worked out for Shima, so idk if I'd want to like mandate a change of 'after x days this happens' without grandfathering the old contracts...
Mote ✧
7 years ago
(opt-in grandfathering maybe?)
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Mote ✧
7 years ago
all good thoughts regardless.
AN ACTUAL QUESTION is the official Mod Position on post-drop worldhopping these days just like, /HANDWAVE
because on the actual drop page it says it's not allowed but some folks don't play it that way! AND I DON'T WANT TO LIKE, RUIN ANYONE'S FUN but yeah clarification would be good because it can get weird ICly when like
a character is assuming that they can't do that (because that's at least what's stated atm as a rule) and another character is like NO TOTALLY YOU SHOULD JUST GO SOMEWHERE NICE INSTEAD OF BACK TO YOUR MURDERHOLE, MY FRIEND BOB DID IT
I would be 100% fine with "Court's just a dick to some people and won't let them worldhop but it's cool for others" to account for like, people that are only in Court in the first play to get away from their shitty worlds and ALSO account for people that get feelbads about dropping without that happy ending
Mote ✧
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I would go with the 'Court's just a dick to some people' option :|a since it probably depends what motivates the character--kind of similarly along the lines of 'you can choose to have your character selectively brainwashed by Court so that they're staying willingly'-but I know that's not followed 100% either.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
NICE gotcha :|b!!
Mote ✧
7 years ago
edited the strike-out. BUT YEAH the brainwashing suggestion is there to encourage characters to stay, and I'd say it's similar for how easy/whether or not a character can get to another world or their own. Some characters would stay or come back to Court happily even if the way home or anywhere else was always open, so for them it's like 'no need'.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Being blocked from just going where they want can be hand-waved as part of the agreement for being in Court, or some people can buy their way out, or what have you. I'd say nowadays I don't mind players wanting a kind of happy-end option; ideally they worked hard for it in Court.
7 years ago
I think the premise that people at court are there willingly is REALLY CRITICAL actually
7 years ago
So yeah I think if ppl are blocked it has to be something they agreed to
kerbox: SINCE IT WAS IN RESPONSE FROM MY QUESTION I think it was meant as "blocked from worldhopping" and not "blocked from going home/leaving in general"
so people would still be in Court voluntarily, because they could technically go home at any time (though that's not great for dead people but HAS been the rule up to this point), but not all people would be given the option to just fuck off to Stardew Valley or w/e
7 years ago
Cool :Y
7 years ago
Well i mean, that's what I mean mostly, that characters at least THINK they are choosing to stay of their own will and aren't trapped
7 years ago
Whether that means that means they think they willingly blocked themselves off from other options or w/e seems workable for opt in
AH SORRY rereading I think I misunderstood, I thought you were interpreting Mote's comment as "it would suddenly be a thing that people wouldn't even be able to go home without winning Queen"
but nah we're on the same page MY BAD
but y I think it would work well as a system to have it be like, "becoming queen/this much silver is YOUR SPECIFIC price of entry if you want to go to another world," and then other characters just didn't get suckered into that deal/bought their way out/whatevs
I'm good with whatever as long as it's like OK YEAH IT'S MEANT TO BE ICLY INCONSISTENT because it could get confusing before when it was a product of OOC inconsistencies instead haha
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Yah, pretty much!
Mote ✧
7 years ago
OK FRIENDS I NEED TO BE ASLEEP but feel free to use the plurk for any questions! I'll keep answering as I'm able until the weekend
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Giving this a day bump!
no moral
7 years ago
I have a very dumb question: The OOC post talks about a claim post in the works, but is the application reapp method still valid right now or... how do you app/reapp at this time?
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Just letting me know you'd like play some characters, and leaving a C&C with the character's journal name at the top for easy copy&pasting is enough! For new players they'd need an invite on the invite page from a current player (or be someone I know, honestly) and then they can join the OOC comm and leave a C&C
Mote ✧
7 years ago
THIS STUFF WILL PROBABLY CHANGE AROUND A LITTLE WHEN IT'S FINALIZED. I'm gonna have a couple requirements for claims in the future, but for now that's all I need.
Mote ✧
7 years ago
I'll invite the journals to the main comm once the C&C comment is put in.
no moral
7 years ago
to the player contact post right?
Mote ✧
7 years ago
Mote ✧
7 years ago
(if your journals are already/still in the game, just make sure your C&C is there/still there and you can start playing)
no moral
7 years ago
shiny thank
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