生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
北韓問題 川普:如果中國無法幫忙,美國將會獨自行動 - 衛報
Trump says US will act alone on North Korea if China...「中國若不解決北韓問題,我們會去處理的。」



瘋子就要瘋子治?川普對北韓的震撼戰略可能奏效了 - 衛報評論
Donald Trump’s shock tactics on North Korea may just...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwv/o9T/sWf7VO1CIVJRx8Ri5srsnWddpmt_mt.jpg
#東北亞區域衝突 #地緣政治 #Bluffing吹牛比嘴砲 #平壤
latest #25
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
瘋子就要瘋子治?川普對北韓的震撼戰略可能奏效了 - 衛報評論

Donald Trump’s shock tactics on North Korea may just work | Ian B...

Pyongyang’s depravity has been ignored for too long. Perhaps it takes a maverick to stop a maverick
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
US says it has 'spoken enough about North Korea' after ...

Rex Tillerson’s enigmatic statement comes after Trump warned US would act alone on Pyongyang provocation if China did not intervene
#講得夠多了 #國務卿
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
【我的意見】 北韓不瘋,他們很聰明 - 衛報影音頻道
North Korea isn't mad. It's smart – Tania Branigan |...
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