Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago
謝謝金言 :-) 得之我幸,不得我命,有得有失,斯乃人生;不計不亟不氣不求,隨緣隨意爾。(goodluck) 轉噗 姑且再試之。自反而縮,雖千萬人,吾往矣 :-D
7 years ago
唉唉唉 (p-sad)
7 years ago
baipu: Fuzzer, Roberson, John or Jane is all the same one... (Plurk Paste) what is horrible? Nothing is more terrible than a man to kill the other one by a gun. Never scare yourself. To make and keep our world in peace and love by our own way and try AGAIN AND AGAIN. 超時空攔截/前目的地
7 years ago
晚安, 與人相處,如經常心懷猜忌、憤怒、報復,就是選擇地獄。當該選擇包容、原諒、了解、寬恕、關懷,就是快樂。 One for all and all for one.
配合 時局潮流,修正創新,避免被淘汰。不怕失敗,但不放棄而一試再試;山不轉路轉;路不轉人轉;人不轉心轉。亦是經由自己選擇而 There is always at least a choice remained;Don't push yourself too hard. 人生真心話:包容力越大、看得越清楚。得失看開捨得放下,國是家事天下事,事事關心,如是而已又奈何,心欲雜多。人事已非,欲從頭收拾? 幾度夕陽紅! To have a nice dream.