生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
梅伊首相在一片警告聲中不顧後果啟動了里斯本條款50 正式脫歐 - 衛報
May triggers article 50 with warning of consequence for UKUK envoy Tim Barrow (left) hands Donald Tusk the let...
梅伊簽署公開信 呼籲國人在她啟動脫歐時要團結
Article 50: Theresa May to call on UK to unite after letter trigg...

EU not in "hostile mood" on Brexit says Juncker - BB...
There's no going back – May has burned the boats of a divide...
#Brexit英國脫歐 #假想敵 #懶人包 #敵人模式
latest #30
(西班牙文) Confused with Brexit? BBC World explains the process that has just begun UK to leave the European Union
¿Confundido con el Brexit? BBC Mundo te explica el p...
There's no going back – May has burned the boats of a divide...
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