shipping who we're logged in as: you get the gay necromancer. i am sorry.
latest #35
anzu/jay remains The Worst
L'Cygna Tovah
7 years ago
Terra: ??? pretty???
7 years ago
no terra he's evil
L'Cygna Tovah
7 years ago
Terra has shit villaindar
7 years ago
House says he only dates pretty girls, not pretty guys.
7 years ago
Snake. fun times.
switalia: anzu calls him boring
7 years ago
House says Anzu has not seen him in bed with a pretty girl. No, he's surprisingly vanilla, so Anzu's not wrong.
... logged in as Aloy. She thinks she's okay with him being gay.
i mean he's actually bi, he's just ... very culturally gay??
she's still okay with him being gay
jabbers: omg jabs who's the new guy?? i don't recognise him
7 years ago
stupid pirate man from POKEYMONS oras
really not her type
zerothlaw: FAIR tbh. he's Awful
7 years ago
I've got Kouji. He's pretty gay, but also a teenager.
7 years ago
Also his head is shaped like a rock, so he's probably not Jays type
yeah he's too young
And I`m QV
7 years ago
I'm pretty sure the closest approximation of love Castiel can manage at this canon point is "this is my human mortal(???) now I'm responsible for them and if you look at them wrong I will destroy you" and I don't think Anzu is the type of person he'd latch onto like that
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
I'm playing a bi necromancer who's also dead.
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
I guess it's dead shit up in here
questionableveracity no anzu isn't the one angels get inexplicably attached to
railehatesfun: oh good they can go graverobbing together
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
Foster and Anzu would be like... the best/worst combo tbh
7 years ago
As someone who plays with both, yes.
7 years ago
Yes they would be.
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
railehatesfun: we ought to meme them
Davesprite is too young for this and not remotely ready
Mouldy Apple
7 years ago
Honestly, we should. If they aren't totally incompatible... well, even if they ARE, tbh
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