Central Library
7 years ago
State of the Game - March 2017 has been posted. If anyone has any questions, please contact us here or through the contacts listed in the post.
latest #8
GW Wolf says
7 years ago
I don't even go here, but, ah, pssst, the link to the test drive meme is missing in that post.
7 years ago
GW Wolf says
7 years ago
Yer welcome! Someday I might actually manage to app there!
7 years ago
so does that mean the earliest a third character could be apped is the beginning of June?
7 years ago
If you have proof from as far back as the orientation event, you can use that too
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Post the proof with the app so it can be verified and it'll be fine.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
And please remember to reserve since we've had multiple apps for the same character recently
Central Library says
7 years ago
State of the game has been updated for details of apping a third character.
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