Awesome. Twelve days in Maine with one to go and literally never a moment alone. I say "I'm ready to go home" one fucking time and now I'm the bad guy.
I've literally been home for one week in March. I'm messing up my back from sleeping on the couch that's not long enough for me to lay flat. All we're doing is sitting around all the time -literally.
I'm freezing cold all the time but layering clothes makes me very uncomfortable. I'm trying to be strong and sacrifice for Mike's sake but I'm going stir crazy and I have no place to vent but here.
I wouldn't be able to sleep on couch like that either. My in-laws downsized so now we stay in a hotel. Much more comfortable than a couch or floor would be.
DPUTiger: His mom's undergoing daily radiation, weekly chemo, and wearing a back brace due to a fractured vertebrae. That's why we're here. All she wants and has energy for is sitting around.
Honestly, that's pretty much what she does since she retired. New things and travel just scare her. Hotel was too expensive, and staying here gives my BIL a bit of a break since we're on night watch.
I'm trying to help out by cooking, helping her change and shower, cleaning, and just trying to be of use. The only thing I asked to do was visit Stephen King's house (10 minutes away).
well that sounds like it sucks. Sorry you're having to go through this, I know you're trying to be strong for Mike but I would go crazy with no alone time too!