Plurk EN
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
new feature for EVERYONE: option to hide replurks from plurkers you follow. go to their timeline and look for the new button. much love yo!
Responses disabled for others than plurk poster
latest #86
diamond sky
7 years ago
yeay (gyay)
7 years ago
I have mixed feelings. Some replurks are really helpful. Others, not so much. (unsure)
CrypticGirl: if someone goes on a replurking spree, i can now avoid it for that time, and enable it again later
I like this. I also would like to see this implemented in the friends list so it's even easier to turn them on and off.
how about no
7 years ago
I should note I was pinging a friend there who's talked about wanting something like this before, I am not in fact hailing satan
7 years ago
hey, no judgment, maybe you were just very excited
how about no
7 years ago
7 years ago
yes good
Take on Mint
7 years ago
neat! not the thing I'd like most but I'm glad to see plurk updating features and functionality
7 years ago
thanks for enhance,keep it up!
Syr Cadian
7 years ago
frankly I'd just like plurk updating the mobile app, so I can have landscape mode without using another program that force-overides my stuff.
Take on Mint
7 years ago
I still hope for liked and replurked to be separate tabs
7 years ago
they aren't for you? is that a plurk coin thing?
7 years ago
okay, thought I was going crazy. thanks for confirming totallyfangirl
7 years ago
plurken: Great News! Now how do we opt out of those annoying whispers?
^ this
236 bees
7 years ago
I wish there was a way to opt out of seeing a particular user's plurks if they were replurked (like replurks from a game you're not a part of) without blocking replurks from other sources (like the friend of a friend)
236 bees
7 years ago
i'm happy about all the new features we're getting though that's great
I've done that, too.
236 bees
7 years ago
lol i guess
And, honestly? Not just game mod accounts. U_U;;; I apologize in advance to anyone I might have blocked that I end up in a game with or something. ^_^;; But, if your plurk was replurked and gets super popular, I might end up blocking you to stop it from reappearing.
Take on Mint
7 years ago
...they aren't separate, they've never been separate? it's a liked/replurked tab filter, not two different ones...
7 years ago
Not for me. Ever since they redid the UI so it's the pop up, it's been separate, both desktop and mobile versions. do you use any code that changes your UI?
7 years ago
so I've got all/my plurks/private/mentioned/responded/replurked/liked
7 years ago
I forget if mentioned is plurk coin only, though
7 years ago
It's definitely been two separate ones since they moved the menu to the left.
7 years ago
emeralddarkness: block the game account, yeah. Game accounts don't respond to any plurks than their own, so you won't miss anything except that account's own plurks.
Take on Mint
7 years ago
They were still together immediately after the ui change and I used a code to put them back in a line in the right...and I'm pretty sure they're still together in the
Take on Mint
7 years ago
And no mentioned at all
Robin Season
7 years ago
oh man, blocking game accounts is a brilliant idea and much better than unfollowing a person in my timeline occasionally when they share so many games that I'm not and won't be in
7 years ago
SilverStilletto you don't have plurk coins, do you? then you won't see the mentioned tabs. it's upgraded only. and it sounds like the code you used to change your tabs has replurked/liked together so it's your code that's the issue
7 years ago
as for the app, is your app the most up to date and the official app? third parties might not have that change, idk

Wild guess, would it be a problem of plugin(s)?
Take on Mint
7 years ago
I'll fool around when I'm off work, I had no idea this was implemented. Thanks.
Plurk EN
7 years ago
Yo just to let you folks know comment on plurks from this account will be turn off two days after posting so bots and spammers can't shit on it. (angry)
Take on Mint
7 years ago
Well I updated the app and things sure are different, so mystery solved I guess
Take on Mint
7 years ago the tabs are separated on my computer too, when did that happen, i didn't do anything. thank you everyone the answer to this problem appears to be that i am an idiot.
Oh no, official Plurk swears! XD
thank you for disabling responses in the future! the spam gets really obnoxious
Alina Jack
7 years ago
It's really Good feature.
7 years ago
really good thaks for message
Speak of the devil
7 years ago
Yeah def appreciate locking them so no spam necros.
7 years ago
Jaetopus: I've never had plurk coins and I have separate Replurked and Liked tabs.
7 years ago
Does anyone know if the feature exists to disable keyboard shortcuts?
clash of clowns
7 years ago
thank you!
7 years ago
I ended up MAAR with Shift+M again which is the most poorly-thought-out thing I've ever encountered
7 years ago
(I was trying to respond to something and the cursor wasn't in the type field)
7 years ago
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
GothEatsJackOLanterns: No there's no disabling keyboard shortcuts, that's something I wish they'd do, many of us hate that.
how about no
7 years ago
Yeah plurk since when can you disable comments on a plurk after its been made
how about no
7 years ago
I would have liked to know about that feature...
Striving Spark
7 years ago
You can, but it deletes all da comments i believe
how about no
7 years ago
that's not what I want
7 years ago
Just open the plurk in a new tab, you can change settings there, this has been a thing for a long time
Striving Spark
7 years ago
I've never tried it, but yeah. i've been told that's what happens.
how about no
7 years ago
7 years ago
dragon8writers: I've never heard of that happening and I just checked on one and it didn't delete anything. I don't know why it would, all it's doing is stopping the ability for comments, not backtracking to remove previously left ones.
how about no
7 years ago
well I'll have to test it on something in the future, thanks for the info!
7 years ago
Striving Spark
7 years ago
huh! maybe it's just a rumor then
7 years ago
Its a good feature
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
So much for turning off comments after two days >.>
7 years ago
Good Feature
how about no
7 years ago
no, bad feature
MoRi 𐂂
7 years ago
Oh thanks for the info!
7 years ago
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