7 years ago
[rl] Well, that was scary. I just collapsed at work.
latest #18
7 years ago
I had been feeling kind of overheated for most of the morning but pretty abruptly I suddenly could barely breathe and I felt my vision darken
7 years ago
stumbled into the back, asked AJ to watch the register for me, and tried not to completely fall unconscious
7 years ago
i.... think it was an asthma attack? maybe I have diabetes? maybe it was from this sick I've had since Friday???
7 years ago
I can breathe, still feel a little light headed and can't stand up for long but as I sit and rest I'm improving?
7 years ago
when i had that weird attack I went from overheating to breaking into a cold sweat but now I'm back to feeling too warm
7 years ago
I hadn't during work, too busy, but now I'm clocked out and drinking some
7 years ago
I really hope it's not diabetes, but I've suspected I've had asthma since middle school
7 years ago
if ooooonly I had insurance
holy shit are you okay
7 years ago
7 years ago
I feel pretty much back to normal by now
7 years ago
Gaeth since you've probably been worried
7 years ago
yeah sorry about that I kind of rested at the haven for a while. I'll be home after close
7 years ago
I'm feeling normal again
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