there's a fun reading to it, like especially with Gladio you get this idea that his personality is this thing he learned from older Amicitas and never questioned, and Ignis is desperately overcompensating
but it is really fucking funny to imagine 14 year old noct being henpecked to death by a 16 year old who thinks he's a mom
16 year old ignis having to make good grades but also attend to the needs of the prince. 16 year old ignis staying up until 3am because he abducted noct's frayed clothes and had to fix all of them before he could even think about studying for his tests
16 year old ignis never doing anything but pushing himself nonstop because despite always giving his best it's never enough for him
that reading makes me like ignis more because it makes him more interesting than just an older caretaker but i'm pretty sure that wasn't a factor in square's decision. they like to keep them young.
i always like to remember that 7 has the oldest average cast out of an FF
including things like 6 and 12
i am absolutely here for overcompensating boy Iggy but these games are made for people who are at the age where 22 means 'an unimaginable adult who can afford vast quantities of Pokemon cards and maybe has sex!'
on 7 having the highest average age - what absolutely fucked me to hell was playing Dissidia 012 and realising Cloud is the oldest of the heroes
and part of what makes that so weird is that he's written quite plausibly as a 21-year-old, while characters like Cecil are written like people in their 30s, but are arbitrarily 18.
i think ffxv tried to make it so the older demographic would be able to relate to ffxv too and make it appeal to both sides. they definitely put more depth into the actual characters themselves than i've seen them do in anything else i've played.
all the literature is like 'the other heroes look up to him as a big brother' and it's just
like prompto absolutely reads like somebody who's overcompensating and then to see that they actually DID do that on purpose is like whoa
rojfsdlfksjdlfksjdlfkjsf yeah fucking cecil and kain highwind
sometimes it's hard for me to remember that ffiv was revolutionary at the time. even the remade version's dialogue is stiff.
i HATE 4 and i don't care how unpopular that opinion is. V is soooo much better
people prepared me for V having better gameplay but not that the writing would be much better and cleverer too? that there's bits of V that, in its dorky 8bit world, actually feel emotionally realistic and moving?
V pretty much crystallised my opinion that yoshinori kitase is the best creative influence on FF, other than Uematsu
i like IV but it was clearly written when dialogue in RPGs was new and coherent storylines were also kinda new beyond basic "save the world" bullshit.
i'm not sure if it was just the translators but V did have a lot more character
i haven't played FFV in like................................................................................................................literally forever. i can't remember how long ago it was.
VI was also good except the whole locke celes romance was annoying
which is a shame because so much of the rest of the writing in that game is really good, and because i like both characters. well, i like celes and i am capable of finding locke entertaining.
burned in my memory is how if you failed to save cid celes tried to commit suicide but then once she failed ONLY WHEN SHE SAW LOCKE'S BANDANA DID SHE FIND THA WILL 2 LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i fucking hated that. i felt bad when she tried to kill herself even though i thought it was melodramatic but then the bandana just killed it
it's grating how FF6 is remembered as being a milestone for feminism despite how gobsmackingly sexist it is
even among the production team, they had a stated goal to make better female characters in the next one
i mean, I know so many people who discovered themselves because of Terra or find Celes really important to them, and I'm a Hideo Kojima fan and it's better than that. but.
i like that 6 had a woman contemplate suicide, not do it, and the game doesn't judge her in any way for any part of that. but ugggggh fuck locke and his stupid corpse girlfriend
none of what I'd osmosed from the "6 is better than 7" brigade prepared me for a sympathetic character keeping women locked up in his basement
despite all its hilarious shortcomings ffxv would have been my favourite out of the ones i've played if it didn't push noct/luna so hard
like learning luna is apparently 4 years older than him makes it that much worse bc she actually did have a big sister relationship with him and it clouds it that much more like SHE WAS BROUGHT UP KNOWING THE FATE OF THE TRUE KING AND ALL THIS HAPPENED BC OF A FUCKIN PROPHECY NOT FREE WILL
i can't wait to watch kingsglaive and get mad bc i'll bet luna has chemistry with nyx
i still think locke/celes is worse
though not as heavily marketed
technically it is but i barely count locke bc he's a garbage character (i don't like him)
also if anything can be said for them locke and celes got to be idiots at each other because they chose to be idiots at each other
ngl luna/nyx Superior grade. This is an agreeable plurk abou tmany things though
god it makes me so irritated bc i remember reading in the versus version noct and stella weren't intended to have a romantic relationship.
it makes it feel cheap in addition to everything else and i hate it so much
it'd be different if it was political marriage only. i'd be down with that. BUT OH MY GOD THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER BEYOND A NOTEBOOK SQUARE ENIX WHY.
if noct had to put his mouth on anybody for a romance plot it should've been iris who loves him as he is and actually knows him and not a poor woman whose life also sucks and who only spent any length of time with him when he was an injured child in a wheelchair
god i hate their romance
IT'S SO GARBAGE FOR LUNA'S CHARACTER TOO square enix this woman deserved better