Central Library
7 years ago
latest #20
Central Library says
7 years ago
This is a post for you to plan and come up with ideas. It is the setting and what is going to take place
Central Library says
7 years ago
If you have ideas that you want to ask the mods about, this is the time to do so.
7 years ago
This Event will run from the moment it is posted this month till the end of April.
7 years ago
I'll....read this when I can... I'm completely on my phone until sometime Saturday....MAYBE.
7 years ago
Eww.. Good thing it's taking forever for me to compile the actual start post
7 years ago
I figured if I got the planning up, it gave people a chance to talk about it and see what was coming
7 years ago
lol I'm just working 13 hours today and tomorrow, and Saturday is a...10 hour I think
7 years ago
But this is after all last week with 13 hour days, and all of this week except Tuesday
7 years ago
So I'm tired sob
7 years ago
I don't doubt it!
7 years ago
7 years ago
/zooms in and leaves a tag because Hey, This Is Similar to a Thing in Canon (but not quite)!
7 years ago
reply up for Will and Conan
Lel will
7 years ago
will be fine. Negotiating with prickly magical creatures is what he does. ....somebody lock Conan in a room or something
Squad Mom
7 years ago
peeks in here so I will read later
7 years ago
On one hand we have Kristen going,"Research!" while Thea is going,"Things to fight!"
7 years ago
Bob is not happy....worst family reunion ever.
7 years ago
Poor Bob.
7 years ago
7 years ago
pokes head in so I will remember to read when I have time <3
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