already im won by noct being stupid enough to give himself away freely
rl;kfsdkljfslkdjf jesus christ just forking lettuce onto ignis' plate.
dudes he's like right in front of you this isn't very discreet
this isn't very canon. prompto's in the back seat right now
now prompto's doing it. this is only 11 minutes long. why is this happening
it took me 42 minutes to watch an 11 minute anime episode but i think that's what kept me sane through the weird writing.
shit the next one is 15 i might have to pay attention
why would anyone let prompto drive
i get why they made the nicknames for them in order to convey familiarity bc in jp they just use their first names but god it jars me to hear one thing and read another
oh shit they hint at his abilities a bit that's cute
did they really just translate that as "my favourite" do they think nerds don't know basic japanese.
oh, nice. baby prompto has a train calendar.
why would you translate koinu to dog. what purpose does that serve. this is obviously a puppy.
ngl I read that OP as you were going to liveblog the ff15 anime while masturbating
but this makes no sense. pryna ran away. for all luna knows prompto tried to kidnap the dog.
god the anime is making me dislike noct/luna more than i already did.
well that would certainly be more exciting in one way at least
not that im having a terrible time watching this anime but i'm just like "this is really bad writing"
ignis is such a good character but i feel like the most i'll take away from his part in the anime is he's really cute while noct piles vegetables on his plate
jesus baby prompto you've got some obsession going on there
oh my god what a sad nerd
nice that noctis' first concern is about leaving future food behind when MTs are about to drop on them
fsjdlfkjhlkj what a SHITTY LITTLE BABY
i hate that noct is such a good character in such a poor storyline
this is depressing since it almost reads like noct's energy gets zapped by his magic
i'm not sure the anime is competent enough to set that up
but it definitely reads like it what with his warp striking costing stamina in the game
it would also fit with what happened to regis
who in the fuck decided noct should take care of plants
ok that's all of it that was cute but wow that patchwork story