8 years ago
[gaming, also fuck snow] Since my body is hating me after The Shoveling: Part 1, I'm thinking I might just game most of the rest of the night. And maybe watch some wrasslin'.
latest #17
8 years ago
Getting back into Payday 2, thanks to that insane sale a month or so ago, which let me get the Crimewave Edition for $5. Almost all the DLC came with it.
8 years ago
Just hate how the PS3 version had built-in voice chat, but the PS4 version doesn't. The PS4 does have party chat, but you have to add the people in individually.
8 years ago
On Ps3, if you had a mic, you could give directions to those without one because they'd hear you. Now it's like a heist done by a bunch of mutes who can only wave to each other to come join them.
8 years ago
And for some reason, so many games don't list people on the "Players Met" list anymore. So you can't add them from there. You have to hand-add them, but you can't see their names in the Party menu, so you have to copy them down by hand or remember them. :\
8 years ago
That said, it is quite fun to pull off a bunch of heists. Always has been. And there's lots of new stuff from the vanilla version that makes me keep coming back.
8 years ago
And then we have Disc Jam, which is free on PS+ this month.
8 years ago
I've been having fun with this, because apparently I'm pretty epic at it. I have a few shutout wins, and I've been making people ragequit just from gameplay.
8 years ago
Had someone who started taunting after each point. He put up a good fight for the 1st set.
8 years ago
Then the 2nd set came, I shut him out.... and then taunted after the final point.
8 years ago
He quit the lobby immediately after that.
8 years ago
Next game, I was beating someone so bad that he just disconnected about 30 points in.
8 years ago
The one after that, the other guy sent "R.I.P." 3 times at the start of the match.
8 years ago
Wrong move, buddy.
8 years ago
Final score: Jim 102, Other Guy: 0
8 years ago
And after the final point, I just sent "Rekt."
8 years ago
There was no rematch.
8 years ago
But yeah, I've had a number of games with lopsided scores and/or guys just quitting out because of how I've been beating them.
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