7 years ago
my new girlfriend likes video games, life is complete
latest #15
nici ϟ
7 years ago
Yay ez tok jo, mar lattam twitteren is de mond mar el, hogy jottetek ossze meg ilyenek xd o a crushod, akivel mentel kavezni?
7 years ago
7 years ago
it's the funniest bc... I saw this person checking me out when I went to a pub and I checked them out too (they actually id as agender but also call us girlfriends so I guess it's ok for me to say we're gfs??) like wow this person is rly cute!! and the chick I was out with was like "oh that group is first years" so I was like maybe they are on fb??
7 years ago
and turns out one of my flatmates is like pretty good friends with them lmao so I found them on FB among her friends and added them
and then they started coming over a lot and we sometimes chatted?? and at one point I went "hey u seem nice wanna go for coffee or something??"
7 years ago
I didn't say it was a date or anything but then I subtly (not so much lmao) asked Sarah if Nichol liked me at all and Sarah was like yes,, a lot
7 years ago
so we went out for a drink on Sunday but the pub we went to had creepy men in there and it was uncomfortable so... we ended up bar hopping and having way too many drinks lmao and we had loosened tongues and talked about how we both rly liked each other and wanted the coffee thing to be a date secretly and... yeah we kissed and decided we're dating xddd
7 years ago
and then Nichol slept over too bc they live near campus which is far from the town centre
so I was like mang u ain't crashin on the couch when I have a double bed and a spare blanket
so we drunk-cuddled xd
7 years ago
and then we had dinner last night and we just cuddled a lot after that
7 years ago
that is my entire dating history with them disclosed publicly on social media, yay xd
7 years ago
aw <<<3 köszi
7 years ago
it's rly weird tho like... we barely know each other,, we just clicked rly well and seem to get along??
nici ϟ
7 years ago
Awwww cute
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