7 years ago
I literally think I have a form of dermatilomania and now I'm scared
latest #12
7 years ago
Biting my lips every day for like 5 years and any imperfection HAS to be removed or it freaks me out cause peeling lip skin looks freaky as heck
7 years ago
So I pick/bite til it's gone but of course then they don't heal and it repeats
7 years ago
I've tried so hard but it's so hard to stop
7 years ago
And it's made my teeth stick out
7 years ago
I just want to be free of this
7 years ago
Literally a life without biting my lips seems impossible
7 years ago
And like I used to gouge out the skin of my fingers (as a self harm mechanism) so to stop that I started biting my lips
7 years ago
Will I ever escape the constant mild anxiety
:-( hugs super tight have you spoken to your parents about it? possibly see a student advisor at uni and they may be able to give you techniques to help you?
7 years ago
Thank you <3 yeah I think I might book a doctors appointment and see if there's anything they can do xxx thank you xxx
7 years ago
tobeheard I found a support group on fb and someone suggested a mouth guard so I've ordered one of those so feeling a bit more positive :-)
mouth guard sounds like a good idea, as does the doctors appointment!!! :-)
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