7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I think I've officially finally started the big fanfic rewrite project of doom.
latest #13
The purpose behind it being pretty simple. See, I wanna be a writer and publish books, yeah? But if I plan on self-publishing, I would do good with a fan base, and I have yet to prove I'm a good writer
Most of my fanfics are trash
I wrote them having no idea about either life or writing.
So now I've picked them up. Starting with my Hakuouki wannabe magnum opus
I just didn't realize it was such a long chapter
I'm on page 5 of 5
*5 of 15
but it's coming along fine? It's my ancient ShinpaSano. I'm also considering a beta, if someone is interested?
Anyway, the plan is, to rewrite a chapter a day, on the days I'm not doing anything more important, like writing thesis
Sounds easy, right?
I'm starting to think it's too optimistic
I forgot my chapter used to be like 20 pages
And it's not only a stylistical rewrite, I'm changing stuff erasing and rewriting passages.
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