7 years ago
Soooo, my ace group was approached by a magazine for interviews regarding their sex issue. Interviewed three of us, went quite well. Then I was chosen for a profile piece and that's when it got...odd.
latest #11
7 years ago
The writer's higher ups were floating 'ideas' for the piece. One wanted to hook me up to something that monitors brain waves and arousal while I watched a porn video. Like WTF DUDE (and OFC it was a dude). The idea that was settled on was the writer and I watch something like 50 shades of grey while I do commentary.
7 years ago
<---- all my feelings regarding this
don't let it in
7 years ago
....blinks Okaaay.
7 years ago
I asked her (a 40 year old lesbian who sounded like she would rather DIE than ask if I'd be okay with this, bless her cotton socks), if I could do a MST3K thing, where I throw popcorn at the screen and give a dissertation on how its a crap example of a BDSM relationship and make snarky comments. I think she preferred my idea. :-)
don't let it in
7 years ago
Good plan,
7 years ago
Have to float the idea at my ace outreach meetup on Sunday and I'm like... how do? I WANT to have an asexual voice in the literal sex issue of a very popular national magazine because WHAT IF someone reads about asexuality and it sets off the light bulb for them? But...yeah, I think her bosses are treating this like a monkey house
7 years ago
"They're so similar but so different from us! Let us do experiments to understand their peculiar ways"
7 years ago
She and I had a lovely conversation on how they used to (and unfortunately in some places still do) do this shit to homosexuals to try and against their 'abnormal' minds. We may have mentioned But...I'm a Cheerleader and spent time sighing over how great that movie is
7 years ago
I think they're going for a "but we watched a (supposedly) sexy thing with an asexual and they just composed a shopping list". Like...we can feel arousal; that's a physical reaction. It's not sexuality. Just...points to above collection of emotes
witch people
7 years ago
.... okay then. people, why do you suck. hugs? many hugs.
7 years ago
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