tl;dr come get involved with Tristan & Friends trying to prevent a fallen angel from fucking shit up and bringing about the apocalypse
with bonus pissy chickens angels, cute angels, demons that collect candy wrappers, half-fairies that make bad decisions
gay ghosts. cute girls that collect demons and also eyeballs. cute boys that feed off fear and lurk in dark closets (sometimes)
ALL THIS AND MORE new players always welcome, that's why we're getting summaries up
so you don't have to read 19 games to get caught up
(winging it is also fine people will explain IC)
fandom characters fine. ocs fine. you can know our characters if you met 'em in court but they will not remember you. They will totally believe you know kunh fu
they will BELIEVE YOU THOUGH and that'll be interesting cr
(she stopped typing at "know" so I tried to help)
Poking comment for when i get home to debate
kdjhg i'm so glad that crisis was averted
if i'm only like 50% sure I can make any of them times is that ok to sign up still :|a I can wait til next one if that's too iffy
i can't come along, hp world with ten calls, but DON'T DIE OKOK
ok! I will ponder it and see if my ratio of available/unavailable makes handwaving viable. THANK YOU <3333