生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
外流報告警告:歐盟境內英國僑民 將面臨脫歐反衝 - 衛報
Britons living in the EU face Brexit backlash, leake...
在英歐盟僑民權益受損 讀者:我們真該感到丟臉!
We should be ashamed': readers on the backlash over ...https://imgur.com/45DF47w.jpg

#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #外洩 #流出 #排外反移民 #遣返 #僑民居住權益
latest #31
Theresa May faces likely defeat in Lords over rights of EU citize...

Peers support Labour amendment to Brexit bill to protect European residents in UK after article 50 is triggered
Lords urge Tories to back Brexit bill amendment on EU citizens

Peer says Tory rebels could defy whip over provision to protect EU nationals in UK when bill returns to Commons
Gove calls on May to guarantee EU citizens right to remain in UK

Pressure mounts on the PM within her own ranks to jettison an ‘unacceptable’ bargaining chip policy
Theresa May heads for battle with Tory MPs over Brexit bill

No 10 will seek to overturn amendment passed by Lords to give parliament veto as Heseltine is sacked as government adviser
Parliament passes Brexit bill and opens way to triggering article...

Parliament passes Brexit bill and opens way to triggering article 50

#上議院 #歐盟居民 #歐盟僑民
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