生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
脫歐過渡期間 英國仍會留在歐盟法院管轄權之下 - 衛報獨家
Brexit transitional deal will lock UK into EU court,...首相答應說的讓英國完全脫離歐盟法院管轄權破功了。脫歐份子又要崩潰了w
綠黨國會議員:英國根本還沒做好離開歐盟環保法規的準備 - 衛報
UK unprepared for exiting Europe's green legisl...這個政府,意外嗎??

#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #ECJ #布魯塞爾 #談判員協商者 #環境法規
latest #20
綠黨國會議員:英國根本還沒做好離開歐盟環保法規的準備 - 衛報
UK unprepared for exiting Europe's green legislation, says L...
Caroline Lucas says environmental protections face a...
Brexit: Labour threatens to defeat Theresa May over 'great r...

Conservatives risk defeat over bill that unbundles EU laws if they do not make concessions to opposition parties, warns Keir Starmer
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Lords inflict 15th defeat on government over EU with...[2018-5-16] Rebellion on environmental protection post-Brexit carried by 294 to 244 votes.

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