Characters and Valentine's
latest #88
Because this is coming up and I have two active lovesick fools
Rin and Sano in question, if you're wondering
And both have plans
But, I'm digressing.
Rin is obviously big about it, in his own, deny-it-to-my-dying-day way
He wants to spend it with his loved one, wants to hang out. He says he doesn't need any pink hearts, or chocolate (he doesn't like sweet things anyway), but he wants to be in the company of the one he's dating
Spending time together is important to him, but being romantically-minded, even if he says he doesn't care, a tiniest bit of a romantic gesture would make him the happiest person alive
What he'll do is hold hands, be less snarky and more subdued, dedicating all day to his special someone
and to make their day the best date ever
Sano is less sappy. He'll be happy to stay in and cuddle, and have maybe a bit fun later. He'd try a dinner, or lunch together, maybe with candle light, if his special someone liked romantic gestures, but it would be either take out, or cooked by someone else. Since we all know that Sano and kitchen don't match
But, I do suspect, he'd try at least once too cook something nice - only to fail and end up with something black and charred on the plate and feeling like an utter failure. But hey, it's the thought that counts?
But other than that, it's more or less a day like any other for him. He's also not one for grandiose romantic gestures, so he wouldn't be inclined to propose either, unless he deemed it the perfect occasion. But he's more someone who let's these things come naturally rather than setting dates and doesn't really plan them ahead, goes with the moment instead
Yogi loves Valentine's
He loves the vibrant colors, all the sweets and people showing their affections
He also doesn't tend to differentiate between romance and friendship, when it comes to showing affection, and jumps at very opportunity to spend time with friends, so he definitely would attempt to drag them out, have a good time, buy them chocolate and try to make them smile
If he was dating someone, he would love to spend the day together and would indulge in all the sweets he could get
I think it might be, next to Christmas, his favorite holiday
As for my TeniPuri muses...
Kenya denies he cares, but gets sad, if he's alone
Tetsuya spends the most of it in bed (not alone, of course) and
Hirakoba mostly doesn't care, but supposes it's nice to do something together
7 years ago
Gareki is going to end up hating valentines isn't he?
7 years ago
alo I figured Ran would make a visit to Hogsmeade that day to give Sano her valentine's present. probably a nice gift and some saucy words. just fyi there
7 years ago
H. Rin should probably get ready for something romantic though. You know Yuushi... Shiraishi might surprise Kenya with nakedness in bed and a rose in his mouth but Marui? hmm...
7 years ago
He's already married to Tetsuya so I'm thinking he'll surprise him with a tropical vacation...maybe to Okinawa?
7 years ago
just letting you know those are my muses plans for their counterparts
Oh I was hoping they'd have some and I love all of those
Butu honestly, Tetsuya is fine with just spending the day in bed
and Sano was hoping to take out Ran for dinner, maybe have her spend the night at his place
7 years ago
after running around after a little kid, I don't doubt it haha
floo powder works in hogwarts so no reason he can't spend the night occasionally at his place
7 years ago
Marui is adament about the tropical vacation though. I think he wants it just as much
in which case tetsuya is not protsting
he likes okinawa
7 years ago
I... did not think about floo powder.
many people forget about that, I think mostly because it's not much explored in the movies?
once they're married, Sano totally insists on lunch dates at his place. If one of them learns to cook
7 years ago
maybe? I mean it's used, but I often forget it's a thing in hogwarts because I thought there had to be special circusmtances for any transportation there
nope. just apparition
7 years ago
hmm. kinda wonder why no more attacks on Harry were had, then...
it does make sense though, since most teachers don't even live there in canon and just come in for the lessons.
yeah that's the part that doesn't make sense
7 years ago
like Voldie had to get creative most of the time
7 years ago
that makes world expansion a lot easier...
I suppose easy solutions don't sit well with super villains. And to be fair, he had no body 'till at least 4th movie
4th book
and you need to be tapped to the floo powder network to be able to transport through it
which is mentioned in the 4th book, but probably never made it to the movie eithe
but either way, the ministry appears to do that. That is how the weasley's got to the dursley's in the first place. Arthur says he temporarily connected their fireplace to it.
which doesn't explain much of how you do it, but it's probably not that hard, so the argument isn't water proof either
imo wormtail should have been able to do that
or you really need to be a ministry official to do it
both is possible. anyway, yes. this is not a problem in hogwarts
but I suspect students don't have floo powder at their disposal. I don't remember anymore how Harry got his handful when he tried to contact Sirius in book 5
from the gryffindor fireplace
anyway, back to the original topic lol
And to answer your question, yes Gareki will end up hating it, probably lol. Everyone else is exhilarated with their s.o's
OK, what I said about Sano probably not proposing? venicism He's forcing me to look for engagement rings
7 years ago
lmfao yes do it.
want a picspam?
7 years ago
7 years ago
Since she's welsh and he's irish it would be awesome if it had Celtic designs btw
hmm... might look into that, not a ad idea
what I got so far

reminds him of her eyes

likes the entangled design, only he'd give her a golden one

looks like a crown for the queen of his heart

likes the color, thinks would suit her, only the design would be something more like this: (esp the left golden one)
And this one is just pretty
7 years ago
Very nice
any favorites yet?
as for celtic designs

I like how this one is designed, in the three-leaf and knot pattern. it could be combined with a number of these
7 years ago
Ooh I really like that one
7 years ago
The last one for sure
I can totally imagine it combined with the first one too
second one too I suppose
he'd definitely get one with a red or blue stone
and it would be yellow gold, cause he thinks it looks better on her
7 years ago
Then we have a ring! Now time to get it on her finger
He'd ask her as soon as he'd buy it probably
he's not someone to wait around for weeks
7 years ago
At least he already knows her answer
he'd wait 'till their next date and that's it. But, he'd definitely arrange it to be a nice and special one. Like a romantic walk, or a nice dinner
and next day he's asking Shinpachi to be his best man.
7 years ago
Be cliche. Do it on v-day lol
7 years ago
well, it does sound like it's their closest date lol
yeah ok, he'll do it on v day. he doesn't care if it's cliché, he just wants her, and that's that
but lol, I can already see him next morning all starry eyed.
Shinpa can tease him about having a good time. And then Sano be like "Oh~ Yes, very... You'll be my best man, right?"
He'd like the wedding to be in summer. Or in May
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