~ Dream hader
7 years ago
PLEASE READ!!! This profile: https://www.plurk.com/ma... IS FAKE, the person is pretending to be me, even acting like me when my friends message her/him! Please look in comments!!
latest #10
~ Dream siger
7 years ago
I made a post on facebook about this fake plurk!

~ Dream siger
7 years ago
These are logs of the person responding to my friends!

~ Dream siger
7 years ago
Please delete this person and or report him/her..
~ Dream siger
7 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing ♥
7 years ago
I just realised this is the account that's tried adding me over and over and I still haven't accepted.
Darla 🌙 Swan siger
7 years ago
Oh wow. They added me and I added them back.
Darla 🌙 Swan siger
7 years ago
They sent me like five requests before I finally accepted.
ʚ Emily ɞ
7 years ago
total creep. replurked for you.
~ Dream siger
7 years ago
I'm so sorry if this person has bothered you.. its been going on for like 4 months now, but I expected her/him to stop after I made the first facebook post, but nope, they kept going.. This time tho, I want them to stop forreal... :/
They added me as well. I'll remove them now! Wow! Such crazy people out there
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