Farrier says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I've been living the high life for the last couple of years, rent free looking after a friend's house. But someday it had to end.
latest #24
Farrier says
7 years ago
So, 8th of last month he dropped the bombshell that he was thinking of moving home. 21st, they messaged to say they were driving over from CA to look over the house. 24th, they arrived (UK people: yes, drives in the US are LONG).
Farrier says
7 years ago
There were miscommunications, and a falling out. Of the five tenants, one had just bought a car so he could do uber, assuming he had no rent to pay: he was going to be bankrupted by being kicked out. We'd just convinced another to move down from Chicago to live with us. Another has such terrible credit, he can't rent anywhere. 3 great friends of ours.
Farrier says
7 years ago
The one who came down from Chicago then lost her new job. The guy driving Uber to pay off his new car hit a boxcutter blade and had to have all 4 wheels replaced.
Farrier says
7 years ago
We'd just dropped thousands on a once in a lifetime vacation starting the 17th of this month.
Farrier says
7 years ago
My wife's rear tooth lost a filling. More expense and stress.
Farrier says
7 years ago
My back is in agony after a bad chair fucked up my coccyx, but I'm the healthiest of the five of us so I'd be packing and moving all five of us.
Farrier says
7 years ago
There were more pieces of crap being throw at us, I can't remember it all. Things looked really freaking bleak.
Farrier says
7 years ago
At work, my queue of tasks was growing without hope in sight, my co-worker was quitting, and I was being assigned his work.
Farrier says
7 years ago
But we're within spitting distance of turning that whooole ship around.
Farrier says
7 years ago
We found a great realtor who works 8am-8pm every day. He's worked like stink to find places willing to house five adults (3 with credit so low they've invented entirely new fields of math just to describe it), and four cats. We've viewed. and managed to herd the other tenants into all applying.
Farrier says
7 years ago
And today we were accepted. Looks like I might be getting a promotion at work, and several people hired to back-fill me.
Farrier says
7 years ago
Everyone has become unfucked.
Farrier says
7 years ago
Well, my back still kills me with pain. And my workload is insane, and I've agreed to do a presentation on Tues I'm totally unprepared for and am too busy packing to prep for. And getting everyone in one place for contract signing is next to impossible. But it's OK. We're past the hump.
Farrier says
7 years ago
Just finished packing the kitchen. Exhausted. Thanks for listening to me rant. Flopping now.
Farrier says
7 years ago
7 years ago
Good luck...
Farrier says
7 years ago
7 years ago
Holy shit, farrier!
Snailquake is
7 years ago
glad you're coming unfucked. And the presentation will be fine! Presentations are easy and you'll do great. xxx
Farrier says
7 years ago
Font is small on this machine. I read that as "...you'll do great sex".
Snailquake is
7 years ago
sure you will. Patpatpat.
Lemongrass says
7 years ago
holy cow. What a ride.
7 years ago
Omg! I'm dizzy just reading all that! :-o
Swamp Daddy
6 years ago
Plurking didn't end, where you at?
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