Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Hi everyone! I would love if you could all please fill in this survey and share it for me. We are considering starting a kid event and I would love to get some feedback. Thank you! Kid Community Event Survey
latest #15
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
AbbyMcdonnagh: Hi Abby, I am really wanting to focus on getting a bit away from gachas. The idea for my event is to bring back more in-store releases and drive traffic back to designers stores, instead of gachas and event locations.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
AbbyMcdonnagh: The two ideas I'm debating on right now is either a weekly/bi-weekly event or perhaps a monthly event that lasts for 1 week. During the time of the sale the designer would put out a new in-store release for a discounted price then after the event day/week is over they'd be free to sell it for what price they wish.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
AbbyMcdonnagh: As for kid gacha trade groups, I believe a few exist on fb if you have one :-)
Bebe ✨Sparkle
7 years ago
If you need any help, just let me know! I've been around the block a few times with events. Also -- I'm more apt to joining an event that runs monthly (or option to join in monthly) but that's just me. When I joined weekly events I felt really overwhelmed and constrained on time. So I was producing crap product just to get it out.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
CindyBoo: Based on the responses so far, I am pretty sure I'm going to do it as a monthly event starting probably the 1st saturday of the month and it will be an in-store release sale that will run for 1 week. At the end of the week, the designers can raise the price to what they'd like to sell it for. I'll send you the details when I finalize them more :-D
Bebe ✨Sparkle
7 years ago
Events like that are great. I need to start getting away from gatchas eventually. They suck the life out of me lol.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
CindyBoo: Yes! That is why I want to start this. Something that isn't a gacha and gets people going back to designers stores and motivates designers to do more quality in-store releases again :-D This kind of event will hopefully motivate them since a. no event fee to join and b. brings traffic to them
Bebe ✨Sparkle
7 years ago
Man that would mean I'd need to actually get my store sorted out.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Meiah says
7 years ago
replurked & filled it iout! :-)
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Thank you everyone for taking the time to fill this in. Got a lot of great feedback and can't wait to get started on this project!
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