生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
大企業暗金流是如何地在大西洋的兩岸把持大權 - 衛報評論
How corporate dark money is taking power on both sid...一個由商業遊說者組成的秘密網路在暗地裡支配著美國政治。現在,他們在英國的盟友正在撰寫一個會照著他們計畫走的脫歐劇本。
#官商勾結政商掛勾 #邪惡資本家 #金權遊戲 #全球化 #勞工權益 #內部殖民與社會階級 #檯面下交易undertable #權貴集團既得利益者的魁儡 #利益掛勾 #政府被財團財閥牽著鼻子走 #Brexit英國脫歐公投 #社會民生福利 #貧富不均 #財富分配不均 #貧富差距鴻溝懸殊 #川普 #利益衝突 #金主
latest #55
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Rightwing UK thinktank 'offered ministerial acc...Exclusive: Institute of Economic Affairs boss tells undercover reporter it is in ‘Brexit-influencing game’.

#右翼 #美國金主 #衛報獨家
Thinktank faces double investigation after 'cas...Cases opened over concerns about Institute of Economic Affairs’ political independence.
The Brexit-influencing game: how IEA got involved wi...Exclusive: UK thinktank denies dealings with Tucker Link and others amounted to ‘cash for access’.
Thinktank faces double investigation after 'cas...Cases opened over concerns about Institute of Economic Affairs’ political independence.

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