生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英國梅伊首相拜訪美國 第一件事情就是先砲轟過去的外交政策失敗-衛報
Theresa May opens Trump visit by attacking past fore...不只工黨布萊爾中獎,連保守黨卡麥隆也被罵。唷,在歐洲被排擠就跑去美國取暖了。

提英美有「特殊關係」 梅伊:有時對立是能互相吸引的


【衛報編輯部】 梅伊與川普,他們在玩火
The Guardian view on the Trump-May meeting: they are...
Winston Churchill to Donald Trump: the ups and downs...
Trump '100% behind Nato', says May at join... #NATO北約組織 #川普總統 #孤立主義與地緣政治和全球化
latest #33
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
唉唉 (p-sad)
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Theresa May says Nato has 100% support of Donald Trump
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
梅伊在美國的暴衝真是讓人看了覺得有夠丟臉 - 衛報評論
Never mind the optics, Theresa May’s US dash was mortifying
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