最高法院:正式脫歐需要國會投票 - 衛報即時實況
Brexit: government will introduce article 50 bill 'within da...
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+ 工黨應該要這麼說:脫歐票並非極為神聖不可侵犯。 The leave vote isn’t sacrosanct. Labour should say so | Jonathan ... ‘Few people appear to appreciate that the two-year t... 脫歐聲音總是說公投結果是不可撼動的,不過這邊有幾個方法能夠反轉最終決定:棄權(abstain)或是直接投"不"。 + Article 50: Labour to push for closer scrutiny of Brexit process

#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #尊重結果 #民主社會 #扣帽子 #里斯本50
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The leave vote isn’t sacrosanct. Labour should say so | Jonathan ...
The conclusion is clear. When it comes to the parliamentary vote on whether Britain should trigger article 50, Labour should abstain or vote no.
The government will no doubt win this immediate battle, but Labour will have more credibility in the long war when it comes to the task of constantly and rigorously raising questions about the government’s negotiating positions as the talks with the EU proceed.
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