Sonya Marmurek shares
7 years ago
Ice carouselFinnish winter entertainment., never tried, never even heard, but seems like fun!
How Finnish People Have Fun
latest #6
7 years ago
OH! I have heard about ice circles (natural ones) but I have never seen one.
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
'm just amused that clearly the first thing they did was build a fire on it to roast sausages. Next step, 'm sure, is a sauna!
7 years ago
Sauna? XD XD I wasnt sure what that was. XD XD
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
It isn't, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they'll build on that bigger one he's planning!
Alia Baroque
7 years ago
SonyaMarmurek: Now I know what you were doing when you slipped...
Coyote Laughs
7 years ago
You guys are WILD
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