[ a.e.meth ]
8 years ago
What Sansar Can Learn From Its Competitors The rivals are here, and they're playing dirty.
latest #10
8 years ago
It's not goofy, at least not goofier than SL is lol
8 years ago
And way less cringy than people arguing that "Second Life isn't a game!" I get embarrassed when people do that.
8 years ago
Sansar definitely looks gorgeous! And I love what people make here. But I think the way LL is marketing Sansar now is going to make the game go bust unless they implement a bit of what competition is doing
8 years ago
Something that will engage Youtube vloggers who will in turn advertise the game and show how fun it is
8 years ago
i dont see either of those as any kind of competition. if you look at the forum for the first one, people are asking if anyone plays it b/c there are only 400 people in it and most of the time around 200 lol
8 years ago
i also dont think their target customer base is people who log in to feed virtual pets or whatever.. i think they will market it as being something that people can earn an actual income from, in addition to the social aspect of it
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