I-gave-my-computer-a-self-fulfilling-name-part-2. It refuses to open anything in standard app. I've been trying to change it all day.
latest #42
any other windows 10 users who experience this?
I've tried about 3 suggested fixes, none helped
one almost made me do a system recovery
7 years ago
what did you name it?
7 years ago
and I don't windows 10 or I would help
what did I name what?
7 years ago
you gave your computer a self fulfilling name...?
7 years ago
though for as many problems as you've had with that computer I don't know if it's windows so much as you got a lemon
Oh! Bones McCoy. Stubborn as a mule. Refuses to run, when not in the mood
I knew it was risky naming any part of technology after him
Also, I have no idea. Might be, might not.
7 years ago
The reviews were high so I went for it. I knew I should have gotten that acer
7 years ago
that's a good name for it lol
but no, I wanted a feathrweight convertible
7 years ago
maybe save up for a different one? You can wipe that one entirely and resell it to make up some of the costs when you get a new one
I don't really have th money
and it's not like it's entirely bad. It just can get annoying from time to time
Though this one might be rather a windows 10 thing. It seems to be a glitch or something.
Gonna go restart the thing, see if that helps (one of the suggested fixes require a restart). It started acting up once I installed comodo btw. It never did this before.
7 years ago
ooh then it might be a conflict
yeah except I kicked it yesterday.
I'm afraid it changed something in the system and now I can't change it back
7 years ago
maybe a setting? have you checked those?
I have done nothing else all day I'm afraid
ah, whatever. It's mostly just this one app that's acting up. And the fact that I can't et a default browser. If it persists I'll just call my guy friend
7 years ago
no I mean if it changed anything it might have been a setting.
yeah I know but I already tried changing it through settings and it failed. It's all set to open in that app, point is, it won't.
7 years ago
It's like this.
Whenever I double click on a picture (any picture, any extension) it opens in paint. In PAINT of all things. Despite all the pictures AND the file extensions specifically being set to open the picture in the other app
I even did the right click thing. When I close and open the picture with double click once more, immediately after changing the app, it still opens in paint.
Meanwhile I checked everything else, it's the only app that does this
That and the fact that I can't set google as my standard browser. No matter how many times I select it (via settings, or directly through chrome), it won't accept it.
I did ALL OF THESE already, in hopes it might help. Nope.
7 years ago
that looks like a jumbled mess to me but damn
see, it's not technically a big issue. It's just so fucking infuriating
and thus it fixes itself.
suddenly it works again
let me have a laugh
sounds legit
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