7 years ago
And lmao at Strawberry's bitching and blocking me, sorry Second Life popularity got to your skull, just know when it comes your time to pass on, your popularity will not matter to the big man upstairs or to the people mourning your death.
latest #6
7 years ago
And, you should know too, you wanted a hypocrite for a President... there is no verifiable proof that Trump is a racist, there is no verifiable proof that Trump is a rapist.. yet there is proof all over the internet that Hillary is a racist, there is proof that Bill Clinton is a pedophile and a rapist... and as for Streep, back in 2003 she gave a standing
7 years ago
ovation to a CONVICTED RAPIST, who drugged a 13 year old with narcotics, and was found guilty and he did time in prison as well...
7 years ago
Or rather, he was supposed to do time, over 50 years, but he fled the US before he could be thrown in Prison
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