7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Schedule for all years and subjects.
Use at your convenience.
latest #16
Reposting in case anyone missed it.
And because I'm saying it's done. It was actually quite fun to do, and I hope it suits everyone's needs
7 years ago
I'll add it to the info page when I do mod work next
7 years ago
Liking it to remind myself of that
If it's easier for you, you can also printscreen it and paste it as an image, maybe under a cut or something.
7 years ago
Nah I'll just add it to the master list thingy. I'd link what I mean if I wasn't on my phone and too lazy to try
7 years ago
The nav page.. ugh. That's the word I want to use... Sorry I feel like dodo. It's hard to think
7 years ago
Just a quite poke, pretty sure Astrology should be Astronomy? ^^;
nope. Astrology
or maybe I'm... stupid?
It actually was astronomy, then I fixed it to astrology
whichever, you know what's meant xD
I'll fix it.... eventually
7 years ago
you're not stupid, it's a mistake people make all the time
7 years ago
because astrology is the "magical" pendant to astronomy, but hogwarts teaches rather astronomy than astrology
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