Shiro no
7 years ago
[rl] Listening to the Notre Dame de Paris soundtrack again. /spirals into hell
latest #8
Shiro no
7 years ago
It's powering me through 10 cages of fucking yogurt back stock though so, that's something. Even if I am getting bizarre looks for singing in half-arsed French.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Covered my myself in garlic olives while breaking down the delivery. I smell FABULOUS
Shiro no
7 years ago
And dropped an open chilled caramel macchiato down my front. I AM A DISASTER.
Shiro no
7 years ago
And with 10 minutes to go I manage to spill an open yogurt over my foot. SUPER OBSERVANT AM I
Shiro no
7 years ago
I've feel like I've been bench pressing my own body weight for 8 hours. Bath then bed, me thinks.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Aw Gawd. Despite bath I hurt all over. On the upside, I slept solidly through to 7 PM. Woke up with that 'wha- who- where am I?' Feeling. It was awesome.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Spilt the same caramel macchiato again. ON THE FLOOR this time, thank fuck. Super tired, everything hurts. Fuck yogurt.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Sooo turns out someone fucked the stock order which is why I'm breaking my neck at work rn. Managed to finished everything with 5 minutes to finish and was praised. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO PRAISE. Like... I'm just doing my job??? Are you being condescending? I can't tell D:
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