7 years ago
What I didn't anticipate was having to "relearn" aliases we all go by!
Back before FB started that real name nonsense? We used to have to meet people thru screen names! 😊
Teeg says
7 years ago
It's fun to see all the old familiar screen names though...sometimes on FB I struggle to remember who people "really" are. (blush)
7 years ago
And it was fun to look at my old Plurk friends, who are still friends on other platforms, and especially those who I no longer follow when they became legends in their own minds (LOL)
7 years ago
Ahhhh the legends! They are on my list of "I followed them, but they were too important to follow me" here. I need to delete that list.
7 years ago
Hopefully I never make one of those lists (if I don't follow on another site, it's likely because I'm trying to recognize your "real" name). (LOL)
7 years ago