Shiro no
7 years ago
[rl] Mass Effect Andromeda has a release date of March 21st. Beyond excited for this game.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Shall I play as fem!Shep or dude!Shep? And should I finally romance Liara? Decisions decisions.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Name? Pft Grayson Shepard. Obviously.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Side note: Dave and I have already decided to name any future kids Grayson & Shepard. He's still pushing for something Mozart related though.
Shiro no
7 years ago
Whereas I've ok'ed any future dogs to be called Wolfgang, Amadeus or Mozart.
Shiro no
7 years ago
...deleted previous Plurk due to own incompetence. To summarise: new playthrough started of ME in hopes of importing my world save if that's going to be a thing in Andromeda.